Buddhist Inner Sciences : Revealing Your Rainbow Body – Ep. 25

Yuthok Nyingthig is the most important practice for Tibetan medicine healing practitioners. The practice of Yuthok Nyingthig helps reveal the rainbow body that is each person’s natural state. Professor Thurman discusses the meaning of empowerment, tantra, and why the rainbow body of natural bliss and happiness is such an important teaching for our modern world. This podcast was recorded on July 2, 2015 at Menla Mountain Retreat Center as part of a retreat called Shakyamuni Buddha’s Inner Sciences. His Medicine Buddha Healing Science with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang & Robert Thurman. This podcast is apart of the Buddhist Inner Sciences 101 Podcast Series taken from the Bob Thurman & Tibet House US archives which are intended to provide an introduction to the yogic, meditative & theoretical practices of the tradition. These recordings are intended to be general overviews & one should be studying with a qualified teacher before attempting or engaging in the practices.