The origin of consciousness is a hotly debated issue in the scientific community. The division is between those who believe that consciousness is primary to matter, and those who look upon it as a result of the complexity of brain matter. Macrocosmic Quantum Theory demonstrates that the evolution of consciousness is brought by nine sequentially activated waves of creation – what the ancients referred to as Plumed Serpents – that shape evolution in all its forms. From this perspective, the purpose of human life seems to be to attain the state of consciousness of the Ninth Wave. Join us for a discussion on the paths to get there. Presented on April 1, 2021.
Carl Johan Calleman has a Ph.D. in physical biology from the University of Stockholm. He started his career as a senior researcher at the School of Public Health at the University of Washington in Seattle, focusing on identifying toxic substances in the human environment. After leaving his academic career, he has spent the past 25 years developing an understanding of the meaning of the Mayan calendar, and as part of this quest he has lectured in 25 countries and written seven books, which have been translated to 14 languages. His current focus is on the application of Macrocosmic Quantum Theory. Learn more at