Yeshe Tsogyal was the first Tibetan to achieve full enlightenment. She is the mother of Tibetan Buddhism and of the Dzogchen tradition. She is revered by Tibetans as the foremost disciple and consort of Padmasambhava, the eighth-century tantric master who established Buddhism in Tibet. Yeshe Tsogyal is also celebrated for transcribing Padmasambhava’s teachings and preserving them for future generations. In this talk, Yeshe Tsogyal will be discussed as a perfect practitioner, a perfect disciple and a perfect Master as well as a shining example of View, Meditation and Conduct. The talk was given by Pema Düddul, the Buddhist Chaplain in the University of Southern Queensland’s Multi-Faith Service and the Director of Jalü Buddhist Meditation Centre. Pema has decades of experience as a Buddhist practitioner and has taught mindfulness and meditation in Buddhist and educational settings since 2007. Pema is ordained as a Ngakpa in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.