A Joyful Mind | Wandering… but not Lost | OPEN MIND MEDIA

“A Joyful Mind” is a groundbreaking film on meditation by Open Mind Media, made in partnership with Mingyur Rinpoche and Tergar International. “Wandering…but not Lost” is a new film in production about Mingyur Rinpoche’s four and a half year wandering retreat around India and Nepal.

Source: A Joyful Mind | Wandering… but not Lost | OPEN MIND MEDIA

RECONNECT – THE MOVIE: Featuring Dennis McKenna, Jordan Peterson, Dr Joe Dispenza & More

Back in 2012 I had my very first Ayahuasca ceremony and, needless to say, I was terrified. But it ended up entirely changing my life and that of my future family. Which is why I decided to revisit the medicine in 2018, participating in three Ayahuasca ceremonies over the course of one week in Costa Rica, and document the process. In the film, we tackle my personal story of trying to build London Real into a global media and transformation company while also struggling with my own disconnection from friends, family and my own species. We also dive deep into the division and tribalism currently facing all of us around the world.

A Gathering of the Tribe | POWERFUL Short Film by Charles Eisenstein w/ Jon Hopkins & Aubrey Marcus

My tears always come from a revelation of hidden truth. As if the frames of perception themselves liquidate out of my eyes so I can see clearly again. This story made me cry the first time I read it in Charles Eisenstein’s book, “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible” and every time I have watched it since. Because to me, it is a true story. Whether actually true or metaphorically true, it doesn’t matter.

The Highest Pass Documentary Trailer

http://www.TheHighestPass.com on DVD, iTunes, Netflix: This documentary that us takes on a motorcycle journey through the Himalayas of India over the highest motorable road in the world, and follows a dare devil yogi leading seven Americans to make decisions about life and death while traversing steep, icy cliffs and the chaos of India’s “road killer” traffic. Carrying a prophecy of death in his late twenties, their Yogi leader Anand Mehrotra inspires us to question what it means to truly live and pushes them to the limits of his teachings: “Only the one who dies, truly lives”. Produced by Adam Schomer & Jon Fitzgerald WINNER Audience Aware, San Diego Film Fest WINNER Cinema Libre Award, Topanga Film