A New World at the Speed of Love with Gregg Braden

From climate change to social change, from increasing levels of human conflict to collapsing national economies, it’s heartening to know that we already have the technological solutions to the greatest challenges of our lives today. When we realize the truth of this statement, the question we ask is universal: Where are these solutions today? The answer to this question highlights the greatest challenge we face as individuals, communities and as a society — Do we love ourselves enough to shift the thinking that makes room in our lives for what we know is possible in our heart? In this module, Gregg will explore the new world that is emerging in our lifetime, how the thinking of the past is the greatest obstacle to ending the suffering in our lives, and the hidden truths that allow you deep resilience as you navigate the fear and uncertainty of our emerging world.

Tibetan Tradition of Mind Training | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film

Synopsis: In this introduction to the mind training (lojong) tradition, Geshe Dawa explains the history and practice of mental transformation. Coming from early Indian Buddhist masters, this important, practical tradition became central to all the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The most sophisticated and rigorous system of positive psychology ever devised, the mind training teachings uphold phenomenological existence while denying any underlying essence, thereby providing a powerful tool for both simple and profound change.

The talk marks the opening of “Bridging Worlds: Buddhist Words and Works,” an exhibition in honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 2007 visit.

Source: Tibetan Tradition of Mind Training | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film

Normal Is Over (2019)

NormalisOver 1.1 New Version Engl. 2019 from ReneeScheltema on Vimeo.

With an open mind, investigative journalist Renée Scheltema investigates the cause, and symptoms of our crisis while offering hope. She meets experts, and pioneers all over the world, trying to stave off global decline. They concentrate on matters such as ecological economics, organic agriculture, renewable energy, saving species, reducing plastic, our carbon footprints, sustainable finance, and more..


The healthiest action we can take is to rise above the old paradigm and channel our energy towards the creation of a new world!!! Providing for everyone’s needs sustainably, Anarkeden is an automatic-wealth-generating ecosystem waiting to be embraced. Over the next few years we have the potential to transform the entire world and heal humanity’s collective disconnection.

A Gathering of the Tribe | POWERFUL Short Film by Charles Eisenstein w/ Jon Hopkins & Aubrey Marcus

My tears always come from a revelation of hidden truth. As if the frames of perception themselves liquidate out of my eyes so I can see clearly again. This story made me cry the first time I read it in Charles Eisenstein’s book, “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible” and every time I have watched it since. Because to me, it is a true story. Whether actually true or metaphorically true, it doesn’t matter.