PHYSICS IS WRONG w/ Dr. Wolfgang Smith

This is a heady one. We sit down with super scientist Dr. Wolfgang Smith who went to Cornell at the age of 15, taught at MIT, studied with Sadhus in the Himalayas, published the first theoretical solution NASA’s re-entry problem and he’s here to say… physics is wrong.

Instructions for Attaining Enlightenment – Padmasambhava – Guru Rinpoche – Dzogchen

This teaching, given by the Lotus Master, was entitled, “Instructions for Women on Attaining Enlightenment without abandoning daily activities” and was taken from the text: “Treasures From Juniper Ridge, The Profound Treasure Instructions of Padmasambhava To The Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal” translated and edited by Erik Pema Kunsang & Marcia Binder Schmidt.

Book can be purchased here:

Music: Raga Yaman by Manish Vyas, Bikramjit Singh Samadhi by Shaman’s Dream

The Living Universe – Documentary about Consciousness and Reality | Waking Cosmos

Since the time of Plato, the human understanding of the universe has moved through two epoch-defining paradigms. These are the view of the universe as a great mind, moving into the view of the universe as a great machine. Today there are signs that the modern mind is moving towards an organismic view of the universe, apprehended as an evolving, self-generating, and ultimately living process. This film is based on an essay I wrote for my philosophy master’s degree, inspired by the work of, among others, Brian Swimme, Thomas Berry, Thomas Nagel, and Richard Tarnas.