Gurdjieff in Armenia Documentary Film

A documentary on George Gurdjieff with Armenian sub-titles. Contains original and rare footage of the Gurdjieff movements and music from the 1920’s and covers the basis of his teaching in his own words. George Gurdjieff was born in 1867 in Gyumri (formerly Alexandropol) in Armenia. His father Ivan was Greek and his mother Yeva was Armenian. The film was made by Jean-Claude Lubtchansky, a close associate of Madame de Salzmann, with the support of the Gurdjieff Institute in France and is best viewed in full screen on a television or laptop. Osho described Gurdjieff as one of the most significant spiritual masters of this era and indeed this is a film well worth watching. Gurdjieff’s teaching is fully described in the book called “In Search of the Miraculous” which can be read at

THE TRANSFORMATION – A documentary film on Sri Aurobindo

THE TRANSFORMATION in English and NAYA JANMA in Hindi is a tribute on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence.

August 2022 is a very significant time in our Nation’s history. 15th August will not only usher in our 75th year of independence but will also be the 150th birth anniversary of the person who inspired leaders who fought for our independence and was termed the ‘Master Mind’ by the British for their oust from India.

On this auspicious occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo (15th August, 2022), Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, and Kolkata Sukriti Foundation, have prepared a documentary film on Sri Aurobindo. It portrays this pioneering leader of the Freedom Movement and revolves around the period 1908 to 1909 when Sri Aurobindo was in jail in Alipore in Kolkata. Entitled ‘The Transformation’ in English and ‘Naya Janma’ in Hindi, the film is about 54 minutes long.

This documentary film highlights landmark events that took place during this period. The film has shots of the actual locations of Muzaffarpur where the bomb blast took place and for which Khudiram Bose was hanged. It covers the Railway station where Prafulla Chaki shot himself before being caught and the hill where Barindra Ghose and his associates tested the bomb. The film also includes shots of the Alipore Jail where Sri Aurobindo was kept in solitary confinement and the Uttarpara Jaykrishna Public Library, where Sri Aurobindo for the first time revealed publicly of his Yoga and his spiritual experiences. Rare newspapers from the British Library and the National Library with actual writings from Sri Aurobindo form the basis of this film.

‘The Transformation’ (‘Naya Janma’ in Hindi) is produced by the Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry and by the Kolkata Sukriti Foundation. Shot with multiple cameras it is Edited by Satyendra Mohanty, with Sound design by Anup Mukherjee, and Music by Pt. Tejendra Narayan Majamdar. The Pandavani song has been rendered by ‘Chota Teejan’ Sima Ghosh and a 1910 relevant song has been recreated by Sohini Roy Chowdhury. In the court room enactments, Cyrus Madan plays the prosecuting council, Norton’s role. Pradip Mitra is Judge Beachcroft and Ashoke Viswanathan appears as C R Das. The director of the film, Abhijit Dasgupta, is a recipient of over 30 national and international documentary film awards.

Who am I? Interview with David Godman

An interview by Anthony Chene:

David Godman recalls how he discovered the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, an Indian Sage who had reached enlightenment. He explains to what extent who we really are is beyond our body, our thoughts and our emotions. he shows how to conduct a self-enquiry to discover our true identity and reach enlightenment. His website:

Thich Nhat Hanh – Oprah Winfrey | Full Length Interview

This is the full-length version of a truly insightful, deep and powerful Interview. Oprah Winfrey talks to Thich Nhat Hanh about becoming a monk, meeting Martin Luther King Jr; The powers of mindfulness, insight, concentration and compassion, how to transform warring parties and how to deeply transform relationships.

Using the Great Tradition of Global Wisdom to Move Beyond Religious Provincialism & Scientific Materialism, God’s Great Tradition of Global Wisdom, Chapter 1, Part 1, Brad Reynolds

The entire Great Tradition must be accepted as our common inheritance…. I Call for the universal acceptance of the total tradition or Great Tradition of humankind as the common inheritance of humankind. — Adi Da Samraj, 1982

Source: God’s “Great Tradition” of Global Humankind, God’s Great Tradition of Global Wisdom, Chapter 1, Part 1, Brad Reynolds

PAPAJI – Look within yourself and you will find that You Are God

The first 9 and half minutes of this amazing satsang from the 12th of February 1993 are in silence. Papaji speaks about Consciousness: “You are already free, and this freedom is consciousness. You think that contact with the objects of the senses gives you happiness, therefore everybody is involved with the objects of the senses. Whenever there is pleasure, it is from the Self, of the Self, of the consciousness; not of any objects. Objects are temporary. It is the Self that is bliss. Once you know it and you are one with it, then whosoever you will meet, you will meet from the Self and you will not find any difference between you and other objects. Your love will be forever; not with the name, not with the form, but of the Self, to the Self, of the Self, within the Self.” Highlights of this satsang are: *Riya: “All doubts have been removed. All that was ‘I’ has disappeared into stillness. Who is free? It isn’t ‘I’ because ‘I’ isn’t there.” Papaji quotes Kabir: “Let the body be still, and let the mind be still, and let the intellect be still. That’s all you have got to do, and then this stillness will attract what is called enlightenment, freedom, emancipation, emptiness. They will follow behind.” Papaji gives her the name Aruna. He speaks about no need for any sadhana, and asks her to explain her experience. Aruna: “I realized that there was no ‘I.’ It was like the ‘I’ was absolutely a thought and had nothing to do with anything else. It was fiction. And when I realized that it was fiction everything else disappeared. And every thought that came, I asked to whom is this thought addressed? And I got nothing. It disappeared.” *Sambuddha: “I get hooked wanting to open my heart more to deepen my understanding.” Papaji: “This ‘I’ is a hook, and you are being fished. Around that ‘I’ some meat is there and everybody goes there. So, wiser are the fish who don’t touch it. This net is samsara, slowly moving. Get out of it any time.” *Angelica: “Please talk to me about love.” Papaji: “Love can be only of the Self. All the rest is lusting about. If you want to see what is love, direct your mind not to any person but to the source of the mind. Love is so pure, immaculate and there’s no demand, no command. Love is to give away without any kind of interest, to give yourself up. Nothing in exchange. Only that person can be happy who loves That.” *Jerry: “I am consciousness.” Papaji: “You are that which has no limitations, and no time, and no space also. Everything is included into this consciousness because there are no limits. We construct a veil between emptiness and ourself, therefore we get into trouble. And emptiness, consciousness can never be touched. Look within yourself and you will find that you are God.” *Sammy: “In a flash I experience that the Self is everyone, everywhere, everything; that the Self manifests in whatever form, or as whatever experience is needed to lead one back to the Self. Sometimes I see a bright white dot in front of my eyes. Is there any, any significance to this?” Papaji: “All lights are still subtle mind. You have become seer to see the lights, then light has become object.Let your mind not abide anywhere, let it be anything, gross or subtle, light or darkness. You go on going, go on going, without abiding anywhere, and then you will continuously go on going.” This is the official YouTube channel of H.W.L. Poonja, well known as Papaji, run by the Avadhuta Foundation, a non-profit organization supported by donations and grants. To donate (thank you) to help this channel continue and keep all content accessible for everyone, visit To learn more about Papaji and his teachings, visit To buy physical copies in India of Papaji videos, books and audio CDs, see

PAPAJI – Call Off The Search (Full Documentary)

This documentary, shot and produced in Lucknow in 1993, includes interviews with Papaji along with rare footage of Sri Ramana Maharshi. There are also testimonials from some of the many people who have attained freedom through Papaji’s presence and grace. Call off the Search captures Papaji beautifully, as he discusses the nature of enlightenment and the impediments, which seem to obscure it. His message is clear, “We already are That for which we are seeking.” This is the official YouTube channel of H.W.L. Poonja, well known as Papaji, run by the Avadhuta Foundation, a non-profit organization supported by donations and grants. To donate (thank you) to help this channel continue and keep all content accessible for everyone, visit To learn more about Papaji and his teachings, visit To buy physical copies in India of Papaji videos, books and audio CDs, see