Upasika Kee Nanayon, who wrote under the pen name Acharn Kor Kaho-suan-luang, was one of the foremost women teachers of Dhamma in modern Thailand. Known for the simplicity of her way of life, and for the direct, uncompromising style of her teachings, she had a way with words evident not only in her talks, which attracted listeners from all over Thailand, but also in her poetry, which was widely published. “Once you know, there’s nothing to do but let go, to become unentangled and free. Just think of how good that can be! This practice of ours is a way of stopping and preventing all kinds of things inside ourselves. Whenever defilement rises up to get anything, to grab hold of anything, we don’t play along. We let go. Just this is enough to do away with a lot of stress and suffering, even though the defilements feel the heat. When we oppress the defilements a lot in this way, it gets them hot and feverish. But remember, it’s the defilements that get hot and feverish.
Examine the mind and how it creates happiness and suffering. Learn to transform destructive thoughts and attitudes to create a positive and joyous mind!
Vishen Lakhiani is an author and entrepreneur in the ed-tech space. He is the founder of Mindvalley, an education technology company building a new model for human education that aims to give everyone the same quality of life and benefits of an Ivy League education for 1/100 the price.
Mindvalley creates tech and platforms that power online academies in areas that traditional education ignores. These include mindfulness, personal growth, wellness, spirituality and more. Mindvalley employs 400 people and has 20 million students globally. In addition to founder of Mindvalley, he is the founder of the transformational festival A-Fest. Vishen quest is to help move humanity to a more holistic, integrated education system that caters for the whole being.
Now, Vishen is leading a revolution in meditation—and he says that trying to replicate ancient monastic practices within the chaos that is modern life is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s why he developed his breakthrough technique. The Six Phase Meditation Method isn’t just about spiritual centeredness (which of course you’ll get)—it’s also about performance.
It actively impacts the way you show up in the world so you can help make it a better place. It’s a condensed, magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing meditation that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.
In short, Vishen hacked meditation to make it work for anyone, no matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture they are. Over years of study in personal growth that led him to consult with neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts, he pulled from thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom, cherry-picked the best bits, translated it all into plain English, and put it into a 20-minute practice that anyone can master.
His new book is called The 6 Phase Meditation Method: The Proven Technique to Supercharge Your Mind, Manifest Your Goals, and Make Magic in Minutes a Day
Don’t be fooled by the title. This book has nothing to do with meditation as you know it. We just didn’t have enough space on the front cover to call it The 6 Phase Multi-Faceted Psycho-Spiritual Transcendent Mind-Training Technique . . .
Leading a revolution in meditation, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Vishen Lakhiani interviewed nearly 1,000 neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts over years of study. He distilled thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom to create The 6 Phase Meditation Method—aka, meditation for badasses.
Used daily by athletes, artists, rock stars, and CEOs, the 6 Phase Meditation is a magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing protocol that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.
No matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture you are, the 6 Phase Meditation is suitable for absolutely everyone, no exceptions. And this transcendent sequence is custom-designed to produce these peak states in its practitioners in minutes a day. No boredom, special breathing, or “clearing your mind” required.
Please enjoy my conversation with Vishen Lakhiani.
Dr John Hagelin describes the Transcendental Meditation technique in scientific terms.
The Transcendental Meditation technique uses the natural tendency of the mind to go toward greater happiness, so the mind effortlessly transcends to its most silent state. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, speaking at Lake Louise, Canada (1968).
Yogi Anand Mehrotra is a spiritual master who was born and brought up in Rishikesh on the banks of the Ganga. He grew up on the lap of his Master. Surrounded by very loving people, he grew up in a very yogic family with their personal sadhana, a great family steeped in the tradition. From a very young age, he was exposed to profound teachings of the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition and began practicing. He was identified as a prodigy. He respected and was engaged by the elders of the tradition.
He has been an exceptionally brilliant student throughout his life. While engrossed in studies, he always had an intense thirst for knowledge. He spent years studying and practicing. He was very involved with a genuine interest. At a young age, he had profound inner experiences and inner cognition accompanied by deep, authentic teachings. He grew up with his Master and, through him, had the privilege of spending time in the high Himalayas journeying to the Himalayas.
Anand started teaching this profound knowledge consistently at the age of 21 and has been teaching ever since. He has traveled extensively around the globe, and his teachings have impacted many people. His students include people of all ages, and all nationalities, including leaders and celebrities, actors, creatives, lawyers, successful entrepreneurs, and young students − a vast range of people from North America, South America, Europe, China, Australia, and many more countries.
There have been documentaries made of him, and he has taken part in other documentaries. He has led people on transformative journeys in the Himalayas, as portrayed in some of those documentaries. He has been featured in international publications and magazines. As a conscious Jyotish Master, Anand consults and shares his incredible insights and wisdom with many all over the planet.
Anand has dedicated his life to honoring the pure knowledge of the integrated practices of the original teachings and wisdom of the Himalayas and to protecting the integrity of the powerful techniques contained in these ancient practices. He has developed Sattva Retreat, Sattva Yoga, Sattva Yoga Academy, Sattva Connect, an online platform, and Sattva Summit.
When Anand was still in his teens, he founded the Khushi Charitable Society and the Sattva Foundation, organizations that still offer support to the local communities, supplying food to those in need and medicines and medical equipment to hospitals and clinics.
He continues to be an active philanthropist, always excited about creating employment opportunities for people so that they can become economically independent; he is very passionate about conscious farming, organic practices and nourishing nature, so he founded Sattva Organic Farms.
Anand Mehrotra is an enthusiastic, conscious entrepreneur. He eagerly conceives of new enterprises and then quickly manifests them. He has designed buildings and sacred spaces. He created Yogini Ayurveda and The Sattva Collection, which both support artisans in India. He established Sattva Publications and has written and published three books.
He is a phenomenally creative being who started Sattva Music and has recorded and released sacred music through that company. Anand’s current projects are many, including the development of Sattva Jyotish Gems, Rasa Resorts, and other retreat places. The new Sattva n Co Organics will be launched soon with the release of its first product, its own brand of Kombucha.
BACKGROUND … This session provides a simple practice for aligning with SOURCE and unifying conscious intention with others supporting the TRANSDIMENSIONAL TRANSITION IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS playing out in our world right now. Aligning with Source and connecting with each other through our hearts often produces a magical experience. That experience is actually information. It tells us that those heart connections are made energetically and inter-dimensionally … beyond the physical. SOURCE is totally outside time and space, and we are FRACTALS of SOURCE ~ SOURCE IN ACTION. So this process of aligning with SOURCE and connecting through our hearts is energetically beyond time and space. It means we can collapse time and space through conscious application of our intention. Even if we’re not very good at feeling our connection, our love, our compassion, our gratitude and all the high-frequency qualities we know about the energy of them is invoked if we just INTEND that they’re present within us. It’s therefore possible to contribute to dimensional shift individually, or with a small group, through our intention. And it’s not necessary for everyone to do it at the same time, because we operate outside time. The multi-dimensional aspects of our being exist … in the eternal now. We can therefore sit in our own sacred presence and align with SOURCE … through our INTENTION. We can then also intend to connect with the heart chakra of everyone else in the world who chooses to engage with this same intention. This unites us multi-dimensionally in a way that’s beyond the interference of service-to-self forces. Because everything is co-ordinated from SOURCE with absolute integrity, any personal motivation that’s out of integrity is automatically self-isolated. What we effectively co-create in this process is a huge portal for the Light of Source to flood through and support the creation of a new reality. That portal is strengthened every time we IMAGINE it and INTEND to contribute to it. None of us knows what the new reality looks like, but our intention will generate the optimal reality though our collective vibrational alignment with Source. It’s not necessary to try to hold onto any image or feeling. We just do it for a few minutes [or seconds] when we can. And repeat when we can. Neither is there a need for a co-ordinated mass-meditation that can be hijacked and sabotaged. This way we operate collectively in our personal sovereignty and leadership … beyond space and time without being dependent on each other. The Universe co-ordinates our intention in an optimally coherent way. No one of us is able to seize control.
Sit with an open, meditative, posture …BETTER NOT TO LIE DOWN FOR THIS … … The words I use are linguistically “tight” to maintain the integrity of the intention … SAY THEM ALOUD … NOW:~ I (… NAME …) commit to All That I Am to be All That I Am … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … … I choose to be present … in my… Multi-Dimensional Beingness … aligned with the LIGHT OF ORIGINAL SOURCE … the Source of All Being … … even though this may be beyond my ability to be fully conscious of at this time … … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … I choose to allow my heart to open for multi-dimensional and inter-dimensional collaboration with the aligned Divine I Am Intelligence of all human beings holding a coherent intent that is in harmony with my own … … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … I invite this collaboration through our individual heart centres and via our common connection with SOURCE beyond the confines of space-time … … So that a UNIFIED INTER-DIMENSIONAL PORTAL OF LOVE is established for the DIVINE LIGHT OF SOURCE … to FLOOD INTO THE EXISTENTIAL CONSCIOUSNESS TEMPLATES OF ALL HUMANKIND INHABITING THIS PLANET that we call EARTH / GAIA / TERRA … … By my affirmed intent … I direct the Aligned Divine Intelligence of the RAINBOW RAY of Frequency Optimisation for Harmonised Individuation within UNITY to support and facilitate this process … under UNIVERSAL LAW … … I confirm my commitment to this initiative as a service to all humankind supporting the TRANS-DIMENSIONAL TRANSITION IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS and the manifestation of a balanced, harmonious, optimal, existential paradigm for humankind to inhabit on this planet we call EARTH / GAIA / TERRA … … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … I confirm that my personal agendas are fully surrendered so that the optimum reality is manifest through collective alignment with SOURCE … … SO MOTE IT BE
“In May of 2021, Dr Joe Dispenza formed the official Coherence Healing™ group called COHERENCE™. This group is made up of Advanced Students who have been dedicated to this practice as taught by Dr Joe during the Week Long Advanced Retreats.
The group was primarily created to scientifically study and measure the cause as well as the effect of Coherence Healing™ with major universities around the world. Dr Joe periodically works with the group to test new hypotheses about the most effective ways for us to produce non-local changes in matter. The work of the Coherence Healing™ group will continue to help evolve the practice and deepen our understanding of how Coherence Healing™ works with specific health conditions.
When not engaged in a research study, the COHERENCE™ group conducts healings for the public. Anyone interested in a Coherence Healing™ must personally apply and must be present during the healing via Zoom, with the exception of people in a medical crisis – such as being in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. There is no fee for Coherence Healing™.”
Home is a 2009 documentary directed by French photographer, reporter and environmentalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand and produced by Luc Besson. The film is almost entirely composed of aerial shots of various places on Earth. It shows how tightly linked Man and nature are, and how humanity is threatening the ecological balance of the planet. The English version of the film is narrated by Glenn Close.