Category: Self Knowledge
Self Knowledge Resources
How to Practice Dharma by Lama Zopa Rinpoche (audiobook)
How to Practice Dharma: Teachings on the Eight Worldly Dharmas by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings (audiobook)
Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings by Lama Zopa Rinpoche edited by Gordon McDougall
This CIA Document Literally Explains Time Travel (practical steps included)
This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across. It’s rather complex and takes a while to digest but it’s 100% worth it. It’s an official declassified CIA document and a terrific analysis of consciousness and beyond – known as the Gateway Process. While it’s an older document and declassified for a while now, the fact that modern developments in science, quantum physics, psychedelics, and neurobiology confirm what’s written within those pages is nothing short of outstanding. It explains consciousness in a profound and analytical way and merges knowledge from mystics from Hindu, Buddhist, and Tibetan cultures to contemporary scientific knowledge of Planck distance, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and the works of Nils Bohr. The cosmic spiral & torus is everything, and everything is one. It seems as though individual consciousness is pulled from the collective consciousness using the frequency/vibrations of the being. This applies to humans, whales, fungus, and amoeba. Mystics of past and present including all ancient religions understood these concepts thousands of years ago. Still, it takes much to open the minds of the most pragmatic, self-conscious, and uptight people.
A Complete Meditation Guide: The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa (audiobook)
Deep Dive: The Gateway Process
A deep dive into the declassified document about the “Gateway Process”, a training program devised to – among other things – achieve altered states of consciousness, Out-of-Body-Experiences and Remote Viewing. I had this on the back-burner for months, till I got over my procrastination and now here it is in all its glory. Enjoy the trip :3
A text belonging to the same cycle as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, this instruction on the method of self-liberation presents the essence of Dzogchen, The Great Perfection, regarded in Tibet as the highest and most esoteric teaching of the Buddha. Teaching the attainment of Buddhahood in a single lifetime, this text was written and concealed by Guru Padmasambhava in the eighth century and rediscovered six centuries later by Karma Lingpa. Translated by John Reynolds.
The root text can be found here:…
BEING HERE – A beginner’s guide to nonduality (FULL DOCUMENTARY)
Films about nothing and everything.
Who am I? Interview with David Godman
An interview by Anthony Chene:
David Godman recalls how he discovered the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, an Indian Sage who had reached enlightenment. He explains to what extent who we really are is beyond our body, our thoughts and our emotions. he shows how to conduct a self-enquiry to discover our true identity and reach enlightenment. His website: