For decades, biologists have read and edited DNA, the code of life. Revolutionary developments are giving scientists the power to write it. Instead of tinkering with existing life forms, synthetic biologists may be on the verge of writing the DNA of a living organism from scratch. In the next decade, according to some, we may even see the first synthetic human genome. Join a distinguished group of synthetic biologists, geneticists and bioengineers who are edging closer to breathing life into matter.
Category: Books
Links to Books(non fiction)
Non-Duality- Robert Adams lecture
The 7 SURPRISING Ways To Heal Trauma WITHOUT MEDICATION | Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk
My guest today is someone who I’ve been wanting to speak to for a very long time. Dr Bessel van der Kolk is a professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and President of the Trauma Research Foundation in Massachusetts.
Many Minds, One Self: Evidence for a Radical Shift in Paradigm- by Richard C. Schwartz, Robert R. Falconer (book)
In Many Minds, One Self, Richard Schwartz, the developer of Internal Family SystemsSM, and Robert Falconer challenge the notion that we each have one mind from which emanate various thoughts, emotions, images, impulses, and urges. Although we were all raised in this mono-mind paradigm, it is an illusion because the mind is naturally multiple, containing an inner family of sub-personalities. Evidence for this comes from a wide variety of sources from thousands of years ago to the present. Each of us also contains an undamaged healing essence—the Self, which virtually every spiritual and shamanic tradition has discovered. Schwartz and Falconer chronicle this widespread evidence and present a compelling argument for the potential of this groundbreaking paradigm shift to bring harmony, connection, and positive leadership to the distresses of our planet.
SILENCE by Thich Nhat Hanh (FULL Audiobook)
In his book – Silence, Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh explains how mindfulness is the practice that stops the noise inside. With gentle anecdotes, simple Buddhist wisdom and practical exercises, he shows us how to live mindfully so that all the internal chatter ceases and we are left with the eloquent sound of silence. Now, at last, we can answer the call of the beauty around us. Through silence, Thich Nhat Hanh reveals, we are free to hear, to see – and just be.
Integrating Self-Realization: A.H. Almaas
A.H. Almaas discusses neuroscience and the self, continuity of consciousness, the construction of the self, self-identity, and the suffering that can arise. A. H. Almaas is the pen name of A. Hameed Ali, founder of the Diamond Approach to Self-Realization, a contemporary teaching that developed within the context of both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychology theories. Almaas has authored eighteen books about spiritual realization, including the Diamond Heart series, The Pearl Beyond Price, The Void, and The Alchemy of Freedom. He is the founder of the Ridhwan School for Spiritual Development, an inner work school devoted to the realization of True Nature. The orientation of the school is directed toward guiding students to realize their true nature to the fullest realization and further still to endless enlightenment.
Return of the Avatars Premiere with Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman
The Return of the Avatars Premiere with Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Anneloes Smitsman took place on March 18, 2022, with special guest contribution by Dr. Ervin Laszlo.
Enjoy an evocative role-play by Jean and Anneloes, based on chapter 5 of “Return of the Avatars: The Cosmic Architect Tools of Our Future Becoming.” The heroine Rose speaks to her grandmother, the magus Verdandi, about a powerful dream she received of an ancient gathering, which leads them to explore the making of past and future covenants and what happens during the change of eras. Discover why the Future Humans community is growing so rapidly and what people from the community are sharing about their experience of working with these books. Meet the real-life version of the story character Olaf, Anneloes’ youngest son Manu, who helped develop the character Olaf in the trilogy and his brilliant game ideas. Olaf and Rose develop the blueprints for a Cosmic Compass Game as a Future Humans Quest, to change how we play the game of life on planet Earth, and for triggering the much needed “upgrades” of the giants of domination.
Robert Monroe. Interview by Guido Ferrari and Julie Mazo, 1992
Robert Monroe was a pioneer of studies on consciousness. The interview is a rare document because he tells his evolution from out-of-body experiences to multidimensional travels.
The Gateway Process: the CIA’s Classified Space & Time Travel System That You Can Learn (Really)
An advanced Gateway participant can not just project their consciousness to a different place; They could pull their consciousness completely out of this reality. They could travel anywhere in the universe, and at any point in time. The report revealed that our universe doesn’t actually exist. It’s a construct, created by our mind. By using the Gateway Process, you can exit the construct and see reality for what it really is. The 30-page Gateway report was immediately classified for one simple reason: anyone can learn to do it.
From Separation to Oneness: Vandana Shiva
From Separation to Oneness, from Monoculture to Diversity.
After a PhD thesis on non separability and non locality in Quantum theory, Dr Vandana Shiva studied non separation between forests, soil and water, the Green revolution in Punjab and the relationship between violence against nature by chemical agriculture and emergence of violence in society. Since then, she has kept working on the link between seeds, plants, soil, climate, and biodiversity.