Alan Watts: INNER VOICE Lecture (Rare) | ORIGINAL FORM

Alan Watts lecture and philosophy, uninterrupted and no music added. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British-born American philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and popularizer of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York. Pursuing a career, he attended Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, where he received a master’s degree in theology. Watts became an Episcopal priest in 1945, then left the ministry in 1950 and moved to California, where he joined the faculty of the American Academy of Asian Studies.

Robert A.F. Thurman interview with Venerable Geshe Lhakdor la

Robert A.F. Thurman was a Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies in the Department of Religion at Columbia University, Co-founder and president of the Tibet House U.S., and President of the American Institute of Buddhist Studies, a non-profit affiliated with the Center for Buddhist Studies at Columbia University.

Thurman is known as a talented popularizer of the Buddha’s teachings. He is a riveting speaker and an author of many books on Tibet, Buddhism, art, politics and culture, including The Central Philosophy of Tibet, Circling the Sacred Mountain, Essential Tibetan Buddhism, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, Why The Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth as the Solution for China, Tibet, and the World, and, most recently, with Sharon Salzberg, Love Your Enemies.

He was awarded with the prestigious Padma Shri Award in 2020, for his help in recovering India’s ancient Buddhist heritage.

In October 2022, during his visit to Dharamshala to participate in the Mind and Life Conference he graciously accepted our request for an interview with Venerable Geshe Lhakdor la where he talked about how he met with His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, got known about Tibetan Buddhism and his journey since then.

‘Understanding Pranayama : The 4th Anga’ by Sri M

Sri M – “Looking at the word Pranayama – Prana means life energy, energy that moves in our system. It includes oxygen, which is also energy and various other energies like digestive energy. It is also prana that helps us excrete. There are many pranas in our system like prana, apana, udana and samana. When you say Prana-yama, yama means rules. Therefore pranayama means rules and regulations regarding prana which does not necessarily means swasa….” This online session took place on 27th May 2020 in Madanapalle.

To know more about Sri M and his programs, please log on to : About Sri M Born in India, Sri M is a spiritual guide, social reformer, educator and writer. He first met his Master at the age of nine under the jackfruit tree, in the compound of his house in Thiruvananthapuram in the Indian coastal state of Kerala.

The full account of his astonishing and amazing experiences are published in his memoir from 2011 titled “Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master – A Yogi’s Autobiography“, which became an instant bestseller. He has written a sequel to his autobiography, titled “Sri M – The journey continues”. He has written two more books – Shunya, his first novel and his latest one being – ‘On Meditation’, a book which answers questions on meditation.

Sri M has traveled the world fulfilling his life’s mission to teach and guide people as instructed by his Master, Maheswarnath Babaji. Over the years, Sri M’s mission as a spiritual guide, social reformer and educator have given rise to many initiatives including: – high-quality, multi-lingual education, free to rural children – Satsang Rural School – an unique and innovative approach to education. – Co-educational, residential school committed to providing in-depth exploration of knowledge. – Affordable, preventive and curative holistic health care

In 2015, Sri M went on a 16-month journey, Walk of Hope, from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, spanning 5000 miles across 11 states of India, to bring attention to humanity’s need for peace, harmony and tolerance.

Sri M says: “Go to the core. Theories are of no use.” His message seeks to transcend the outer-shell of all religions, by exploring their mystical essence and thus nurture the innate goodness in every human being.

To know more about Sri M and his programs, please log on to :

Time, Space, and Consciousness, Part One: The Nature of Light, with Fred Alan Wolf

Fred Alan Wolf, PhD, is a theoretical physicist who left academia and has spent his career exploring the mystical realms where consciousness and physics interface. He received the National Book Award for Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Non-Scientists. His other books include The Spiritual Universe: How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul, The Dreaming Universe: A Mind-Expanding Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and Physics Meet, Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds, The Eagle’s Quest: A Physicist Find Scientific Truth at the Heart of the Shamanic World, Space Time and Beyond, Mind Into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit, Matter Into Feeling, Dr. Quantum’s Little Book of Big Ideas, The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time, and Time Loops and Space Twists: How God Created the Universe.

Here he discusses Einstein’s thought experiment, imagining what it would be like riding on a photon at the speed of light. He notes that many experiments have now shown conclusively that time actually slows down as one’s speed approaches the speed of light. This phenomena is related to the lifespan of pi meson sub-atomic particles as their speed approaches that of light. At the speed of light, itself, time stops completely and space also disappears. Thus, one might say that a photon is located everywhere in time and space at once. He also points out that Einstein developed the notion of “space-time” as a single concept or “block” of measurement. In addition, the “now” moment is relative to each observer and not necessarily simultaneous for everyone.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). His master’s degree is in criminology. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. His American Indian name, chosen at age eight, is Soaring Eagle.

Being You: A New Science of Consciousness with Anil Seth

Being You is not as simple as it sounds. Somehow, within each of our brains, billions of neurons work to create our conscious experience. How does this happen? Why do we experience life in the first person?

After over twenty years researching the brain, world-renowned neuroscientist Professor Anil Seth puts forward a radical new theory of consciousness and self. His unique theory of what it means to ‘be you’ challenges our understanding of perception and reality and it turns what you thought you knew about yourself on its head.


Anil Seth is a leading British researcher in the field of consciousness science. He is Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience and Co-Director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at the University of Sussex. He writes regularly for New Scientist, Guardian and the BBC, and has been interviewed on Radio 4’s The Life Scientific. His TED talk on consciousness has been viewed nearly 8 million times; he is currently a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellow and he tweets at @anilkseth.

Brian Keating & Garrett Lisi on E8 & String Theory – Theory of Every0ne Live 5.24.22

Tonight we look at a discussion between Brian Keating, professor of physics at UCSD and creator of the “Into the Impossible” podcast, and Garrett Lisi, theoretical physicist and founder of the Pacific Science institute. Garrett Lisi is known for his attempt to unify physics using the beautiful geometric structure of E8.

Imagination as the ground of reality, with Patrick Harpur

In this wide-ranging interview, one of our favorite scholars, Patrick Harpur, discusses the fundamental role of the imagination in human history, the human mind, and reality at large. He also discusses the daimons, those elusive, contradictory figures who inhabit minds and the world, but who appear only to those with the eyes to see. Harpur’s extensive, extraordinary, life-transforming body of work is one of the most criminally underrated in modern scholarship.

This video has human-created English subtitles, so don’t forget to click on the ‘CC’ button below the video to enable them.

Books by Patrick Harpur:

Iain McGilchrist: The Coincidence of Opposites

Ralston College presents a lecture by Dr Iain McGilchrist followed by a discussion with Dr Stephen Blackwood and questions from the audience. In his lecture Dr McGilchrist deals with certain themes that are treated at greater length in his recent book The Matter With Things. He focuses especially upon the coincidence of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum), which he explores (providing an extraordinary range of illustrative examples) in such a way as to make manifest both its universality and its particular relevance to our present historical moment.