The Power of the Heart – Finding Your True Purpose in Life

From the director of ‘THE SECRET’ comes this unparalleled and life-changing film about the astonishing power and intelligence of your heart. Featuring some of the most inspiring and influential icons of our age including Paulo Coelho, Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Isabel Allende, and Eckhart Tolle, ‘THE POWER OF THE HEART’ – which ties into a book of the same name – is an experience that will lead you to uncover… and rediscover… the treasure in your chest. Visit the Official Website at:

Watch the full movie here for free:

Preview the corresponding book:

Consciousness cannot be reduced to brain activity: Doctor Raymond Tallis on the mind-body problem

Professor Tallis—a philosopher, poet, novelist, cultural critic, retired medical physician and clinical neuroscientist—discusses the relationship between mind and brain, as well as the big questions about the nature of reality.

Is Everything Made of Matter or Consciousness? | Rupert Spira & Bernardo Kastrup in Conversation

Is everything in the world made of matter or consciousness? What exactly are matter and consciousness? Rupert Spira joins Bernardo Kastrup, scientist and author, in a deep exploration of science and spirituality and how they inevitably meet on the same path to truth. The conversation proves that anyone, from any background, can come to the same universal understanding that non-duality teaches; that peace and happiness is who we truly are. Rupert came to this understanding through 40 years of spiritual practice in the vedantic and tantric traditions, while Bernardo studied the professional fields of computer science and engineering. Moderated by Simon Mundie, the discussion covers various topics as Rupert and Bernardo dissect solipsism, idealism and materialism. Through it all, they both came to the same recognition which is that peace and love surpasses all understanding, and is the very nature of everyone and everything.

WHAT IS LIFE? #3 Philosophers Tim Freke and Ken Wilber in conversation

Warning to Wilber fans! This is a conversation not an interview. If you are looking for a video in which Ken explains his ideas, (as he does so eloquently), this is not the one for you. If you’re interested in hearing two philosophers interacting together … I hope you enjoy!

Your Symphony of Selves (Interview with Jordan Gruber)

For the tenth episode of the Integral Stage Authors Series, Layman is joined by Jordan Gruber, J.D., to discuss Your Symphony of Selves, a new book he co-authored with Dr. James Fadiman. Layman and Jordan explore the themes of the book, reflecting on the history and the psychospiritual implications of the “multiple self” concept, the resistance the concept has received in both popular and academic contexts, the intersection of the multiplicity of identity with the “higher self” and “no self” traditions, practical ways to work with our multiplicity, and much more.

The Emergence of Conscious Evolution: Jude Currivan

Cosmologist Jude Currivan is an enthusiastic and inspirational advocate of the positive view of the transformations we are witnessing on planet Earth. As a scientist she can report with confidence that science can at last conclusively prove and reconcile scientific evidence with ancient wisdom and universal spiritual experience – resolving SAND’s ongoing quest by revealing the unified nature of reality. “Consciousness is not what we have it is what we are” – and this understanding has the power to heal our fragmented perspectives and radically change our collective behaviors, transforming the challenges of our global emergency into the emergence of our conscious evolution.

Joseph Chilton Pearce – The Crack in the Cosmic Egg

We interviewed Joseph Chilton Pearce at The Monroe Institute in Favor, Virginia as part of the 40 Days and 40 Nights Video Tour in October 2011. For nearly half a century, Joe has been probing the mysteries of the human mind. Author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Magical Child, Magical Child Matures, Bond of Power, and Evolution’s End, one of his overriding passions remains the study of what he calls the “unfolding” of intelligence in children.

He is a self-avowed iconoclast, unafraid to speak out against the myriad ways in which contemporary American culture fails to nurture the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs and yearnings of our young people. Part scholar, part scientist, part mystic, part itinerant teacher, Pearce keeps in close touch with the most brilliant men and women in each field. He creates a unique synthesis of their work and translates the results into a common language.

His most recent book, Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart (2007), is critically important for where we are now. Our organized religions are stuck in centuries of a particular way of thinking that makes it very difficult to address the changes going on the world of thought today. Over and over on this tour we met brilliant thinkers and scientists who are making the journey from the intellect to the heart along an unchartered and unmapped path. In our interview, Joe shows us the importance of living from the heart, regardless of what the mind says.

Lawrence Krauss & Frank Wilczek – Materiality of a Vacuum PHYSICS – Part 1

The Origins Project invites you to a fascinating and intriguing Lecture by Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek discussing the Materiality of a Vacuum: Late Night Thoughts of a Physicist, followed by a conversation with Lawrence Krauss.

In modern physics we’ve discovered that it is very fruitful to regard empty space, or vacuum, as a sort of material, which can have exotic properties, like superconductivity. Conversely, materials can be viewed “from the inside” as the vacua of alternative worlds, which often have exotic, mind-expanding properties. These ideas suggest new possibilities for cosmology, and bring to life a profound question: What is a Universe?

Recorded Tuesday, January 31, 2017