Living in the Future’s Past – This film upends our way of thinking and provides original insights into our subconscious motivations, the unintended consequences, and how our fundamental nature influences our future as mankind.
Category: Documentaries
Links to documentaries
Fr. Francis V. Tiso – Rainbow Body and Resurrection – 12 April 2016 at CIIS
Fr. Francis Tiso gave this fascinating presentation at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, sponsored by the Asian Philosophies and Cultures graduate program.
Who’s Driving the Dreambus? (FULL DOCUMENTARY)
This radical and challenging documentary ventures into the heart of the mystery of identity, flipping the idea of spiritual endeavour on its head, revealing a message so profound and yet so simple that it might just end the search.
Rude Awakening Documentary – Full Free Version
Rude Awakening is a documentary about self discovery. It combines personal interviews with fictional cinematic elements to create a beautiful immersive experience for its viewers. This is a story about the hardships of embarking on the journey within. A road filled with trials and tribulations, from awakening to the dark night of the human, to finally emerging into true freedom. Follow Jonathan as he embarks on an epic and once in a lifetime adventure back to his true self, meeting and interviewing kindred spirits along the way. As he travels around the world, he interviews six dear friends and random strangers on the street to discover the red thread connecting all our journeys: The passionate and longing desire to find answers to the questions: “Why am I here?” and “What’s life all about?” If this story resonates with you, just know that you are not crazy and certainly not alone!
Journey Into the 4th Dimension – Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle
Explore the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle in topology as we embark on this dumbfounding whirlwind tour of time travel, geometric paradoxes, 4D visualization, and sentient primitive shapes.
Discovering Buddhism Module 1 – Mind and its Potential
Examine the mind and how it creates happiness and suffering. Learn to transform destructive thoughts and attitudes to create a positive and joyous mind!
Gregg Braden – The Battle for YOUR DIVINITY has Begun… Breaking Free from Ancient Shackles of FEAR
Gregg Braden’s “Science, Policy and Politics” Series – in this episode Gregg reminds us of our Divinity in times of great changes and chaos.
The Living Universe – Documentary about Consciousness and Reality | Waking Cosmos
Since the time of Plato, the human understanding of the universe has moved through two epoch-defining paradigms. These are the view of the universe as a great mind, moving into the view of the universe as a great machine. Today there are signs that the modern mind is moving towards an organismic view of the universe, apprehended as an evolving, self-generating, and ultimately living process. This film is based on an essay I wrote for my philosophy master’s degree, inspired by the work of, among others, Brian Swimme, Thomas Berry, Thomas Nagel, and Richard Tarnas.
What The Bleep Do We Know!? – Down The Rabbit Hole
Yeshe Tsogyal: Her Life and Enlightenment
Yeshe Tsogyal was the first Tibetan to achieve full enlightenment. She is the mother of Tibetan Buddhism and of the Dzogchen tradition. She is revered by Tibetans as the foremost disciple and consort of Padmasambhava, the eighth-century tantric master who established Buddhism in Tibet. Yeshe Tsogyal is also celebrated for transcribing Padmasambhava’s teachings and preserving them for future generations. In this talk, Yeshe Tsogyal will be discussed as a perfect practitioner, a perfect disciple and a perfect Master as well as a shining example of View, Meditation and Conduct. The talk was given by Pema Düddul, the Buddhist Chaplain in the University of Southern Queensland’s Multi-Faith Service and the Director of Jalü Buddhist Meditation Centre. Pema has decades of experience as a Buddhist practitioner and has taught mindfulness and meditation in Buddhist and educational settings since 2007. Pema is ordained as a Ngakpa in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.