Tao Te Ching – Read by Wayne Dyer with Music & Nature Sounds (Binaural Beats)

The Tao Te Ching (pronounced Dao De Jing) was a book of wisdom written for kings by a sage named Lao-Tzu, circa 500BC China. Much like the book of Proverbs found in the Biblical canon, the truths found in the Tao Te Ching are universal and timeless. But it’s not just the east which was, and still is influenced by this great work. The Tao Te Ching resonates deeply with many of the Christian mystics as well, from antiquity to modern times. The Tao is not a religion. Its literal translation is The Way. A way of seeing, a way of being. In the Chinese translation of the New Testament, when Christ refers to “The Way,” their word for it is The Tao. “Ritual and religion is the husk of true faith.” These are one of the proverbs found in the book. So regardless of your religious background, or whether you believe in God or not, you will still find wonderful truths about life put into the simplest of words. Truths about leadership, patience, love and creativity. So share this link with those you love. It is a gift to the world, and we are lucky to be living in a time like this where such things can be shared. The world needs healing. The healing begins with the metanoia–the transformation of the mind.

THE SAGE OF ARUNACHALA AND THE DIRECT PATH-MAHA YOGA Ramana Maharshi and The Upanishads – lomakayu (audiobook)

PART ONE: MAHA YOGA OR THE UPANISHADIC LORE IN THE LIGHT OF THE TEACHINGS OF BHAGAVAN SRI RAMANA – Audiobook In this book the author (WHO) passes the philosophical portion of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s teaching through the Advaitic acid test, and then declares the teaching to be genuine coin of the Advaitic realm.

Tom Campbell Explains the Mandela Effect, Virtual Reality and the Nature of Consciousness

Tom Campbell is a physicist who began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s. These early, drug-free, consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study all at the same time. He has been a serious explorer of the frontiers of reality, mind, consciousness, and psychic phenomena for the last forty years and continuing. In 2003, he published the My Big TOE trilogy which represents the results and conclusions of his scientific exploration of the nature of existence. The MBT reality model explains metaphysics, spirituality, love, and human purpose at the most fundamental level, provides a complete theory of consciousness and solves the outstanding fundamental physics problems of our time, deriving both relativity theory and quantum mechanics from first principles – something traditional physics cannot yet do.

THE AMAZING EARTH SCHOOL – Making The Best Of Every Day – explained by Hans Wilhelm

What are the lessons for my life here on Earth? How to live moment by moment. Hans Wilhelm is a mystic, author and illustrator of 200 books for all ages with total sales of over 40 million copies in 30 languages. As a mystic he inspires audiences around the world with his life-affirming concepts to connect with their own inner wisdom. His popular YouTube videos have become an important source of inspiration and help for his over 15 million viewers. You can read more about him on the website www.LIFEexplained.com.

The Quantitative Comparison Between the Neuronal Network and the Cosmic Web

We investigate the similarities between two of the most challenging and complex systems in Nature: the network of neuronal cells in the human brain, and the cosmic network of galaxies. We explore the structural, morphological, network properties and the memory capacity of these two fascinating systems, with a quantitative approach. In order to have an homogeneous analysis of both systems, our procedure does not consider the true neural connectivity but an approximation of it, based on simple proximity. The tantalizing degree of similarity that our analysis exposes seems to suggest that the self-organization of both complex systems is likely being shaped by similar principles of network dynamics, despite the radically different scales and processes at play.


A Joyful Mind | Wandering… but not Lost | OPEN MIND MEDIA

“A Joyful Mind” is a groundbreaking film on meditation by Open Mind Media, made in partnership with Mingyur Rinpoche and Tergar International. “Wandering…but not Lost” is a new film in production about Mingyur Rinpoche’s four and a half year wandering retreat around India and Nepal.

Source: A Joyful Mind | Wandering… but not Lost | OPEN MIND MEDIA