The World According to Physics with Jim Al Khalili

Jim Al-Khalili is an Iraqi-born theoretical physicist at the University of Surrey, where he holds a Distinguished Chair in physics as well as a university chair in the public engagement in science. He is also a prominent author and broadcaster. He has written 14 books on popular science and the history of science, between them translated into twenty-six languages. The book on which this lecture was based, The World According to Physics, was shortlisted for the Royal Society Book Prize. He is a regular presenter of TV science documentaries, such as the Bafta nominated Chemistry: a volatile history, and he hosts the long-running weekly BBC Radio 4 program, The Life Scientific. He tweets at @jimalkhalili. Despite his profile as a public scientist, Jim has continued to teach undergraduate physics students in an unbroken run of 29 years. He is a past president of the British Science Association and a recipient of the Royal Society’s Michael Faraday medal and the Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medal, the Institute of Physics Kelvin Medal and the Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication. He is a Patron and Vice-President of Humanists UK. He received an OBE in 2007 for ‘services to science’.

How much of an understanding do we currently have about the physical world and where does theoretical physics research stand in the third decade of the twenty-first century? Are we finally approaching the end of physics when the rich tapestry of the universe will be revealed to us and we will finally understand the true nature of reality? If we are honest then we must admit that while what we do know is dazzlingly impressive there is still much we have yet to grasp, all the way down to the fundamental nature of space and time to the meaning quantum mechanics, let alone mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. This episode starring world-famous physicist Jim Al-Khalili will shine a light onto the most profound insights revealed by modern physics, to reveal what this crucially important science tells us about the universe and the nature of reality itself. Al-Khalili begins by introducing the fundamental concepts of space, time, energy, and matter, and then describes the three pillars of modern physics—quantum theory, relativity, and thermodynamics—showing how all three must come together if we are ever to have a full understanding of reality. Using wonderful examples and thought-provoking analogies, Al-Khalili illuminates the physics of the extreme cosmic and quantum scales, the speculative frontiers of the field, and the physics that underpins our everyday experiences and technologies, bringing the reader up to speed with the biggest ideas in physics in just a few sittings. Physics is revealed as an intrepid human quest for ever more foundational principles that accurately explain the natural world we see around us, an undertaking guided by core values such as honesty and doubt. The knowledge discovered by physics both empowers and humbles us, and still, physics continues to delve valiantly into the unknown.

Paul Hawken Pt 1 | Social Dynamics Of Food, Farming and Climate Change | 098

098: Climate activist and author Paul Hawken joins us for his fifth interview, focused on food, agriculture, climate change, and greenwashing. In this episode, the first half of Dave Chapman’s conversation with Paul, they discuss whether regenerative agriculture is organic and vice verse.

Paul Hawken is a climate activist, entrepreneur, and the author of nine books including Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World, Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, and his most-recent, 2022’s best-selling Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation. He serves on Real Organic Project’s Advisory Board.

#35 Johnjoe McFadden PHD – QUANTUM BIOLOGY

What evidence is there for quantum effects in biological systems? What are the implications for life in general?

In this episode we’ve got the relatively new field of quantum biology to assess. For years the idea of quantum effects in biological cells was dismissed because live cells were ‘too warm and wet’ to host these sensitive quantum coherences. But new research into quantum coherence in avian navigation, quantum tunnelling in DNA mutations, in enzymes, even in smell – has brought new interest and study to the field of Quantum Biology.

One biochemist, saw all this coming and wrote a book about it 20 years ago called, ‘Quantum evolution’. He is none other that than Professor of Molecular Genetics at Surrey university, JohnJoe McFadden.

His mainstream research is in microbial genetics, particularly in developing new systems biology approaches to infectious diseases. He is a keen promoter of public understanding of science and has given many popular science talks on subjects as varied as evolution and GM food. He also writes popular science articles, particularly for the Guardian newspaper. His specialties are broad including: systems biology, microbiology, evolutionary genetics, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, meningitis, and bionanotechnology.

He’s written many books but in this episiode we’ll be focussing on material from his newer books, ‘Life on the Edge, the coming age of Quantum Biology’ with physicist Jim Al-Khalili, and ‘Life is Simple: How Occams Razor Set Science Free and Unlocked the Universe’.

Sorry for the occasional connection lagtime on this video, the audio is fine though.

The Origin and Evolution of Life, Consciousness, and the Physical Universe | Carl Johan Calleman

The origin of consciousness is a hotly debated issue in the scientific community. The division is between those who believe that consciousness is primary to matter, and those who look upon it as a result of the complexity of brain matter. Macrocosmic Quantum Theory demonstrates that the evolution of consciousness is brought by nine sequentially activated waves of creation – what the ancients referred to as Plumed Serpents – that shape evolution in all its forms. From this perspective, the purpose of human life seems to be to attain the state of consciousness of the Ninth Wave. Join us for a discussion on the paths to get there. Presented on April 1, 2021.

Carl Johan Calleman has a Ph.D. in physical biology from the University of Stockholm. He started his career as a senior researcher at the School of Public Health at the University of Washington in Seattle, focusing on identifying toxic substances in the human environment. After leaving his academic career, he has spent the past 25 years developing an understanding of the meaning of the Mayan calendar, and as part of this quest he has lectured in 25 countries and written seven books, which have been translated to 14 languages. His current focus is on the application of Macrocosmic Quantum Theory. Learn more at

The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing. Since then, he’s climbed Mount Everest in his shorts, resisted altitude sickness, completed a marathon in the Namib Desert with no water and proven under a laboratory setting that he’s able to influence his autonomic nervous system and immune system at will.

Almost everything Wim has done was previously thought to be impossible – but he’s not a freak of nature.

To demonstrate that any human can learn his methods, Wim offered to teach Matt Shea and Daisy-May Hudson to climb a freezing cold mountain in their shorts without getting cold. But when Matt and Daisy signed up for the training, they had no idea that the so-called Iceman was planning to lead them on a psychedelic journey across Europe that circled the chasm between science, spirituality and mystery.

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake – Morphogenetic Fields of Body and Mind – Quantum University

According to the hypothesis of formative causation, all self-organizing systems, including crystals, plants and animals contain an inherent memory, given by a process called morphic resonance from previous similar systems. All human beings draw upon a collective human memory, and in turn contribute to it.

Even individual memory depends on morphic resonance rather than on physical memory traces stored within the brain. This hypothesis is testable experimentally, and implies that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits.

Morphic resonance works through morphic fields, which organize the bodies of plants and animals through vibratory patterns, and underlie their abilities to regenerate and heal after damage. Morphic fields also coordinate the vibratory activities of the nervous system, and are closely connected to mental activity.

Minds are extended beyond brains through these fields, and the effects of attention and intention at a distance can be detected experimentally.

Mind Melds and Brain Beams: The Dawn of Brain-to-Brain Communication

Music students download the technique of their favorite pianist or singer directly into their brains. Medical students download the skills of a seasoned surgeon or diagnostician. And each one of us routinely uploads our thoughts and memories to the digital cloud. While these scenarios still lie in the future, rudimentary versions of the necessary brain-to-brain technology exist today. But the ability to directly influence another person’s brain raises serious questions about human rights and individual freedoms. This program will present the latest technology and explore how the ethical implications of enhanced thinking go to the heart of consciousness itself.


Beverly Rubik: Health Benefits of Ionized Water on Humans & Plants | SNC 2018

Municipal water, filtered and partially ionized, is alkaline, and rich in electrons and cationic minerals. This drinking water, similar in its physical properties to mountain spring water at the source, has been shown to protect against free radical damage. Studies on the numerous health benefits of ionized water will be summarized. Case studies using live blood analysis show that drinking ionized water reduces blood cell stickiness, cell aggregation, early clotting, and improves the biological terrain of the body. Ionized water can be produced from electric ionizers or by vortexing water over stones of certain mineral compositions. Applications to agriculture will also be discussed.

Grounding – The Grounded Documentary Film about “Earthing”

Grounding is a healing technique that includes performing activities that “ground you” or electrically reconnect you to the ground. This practice draws on the science of grounding and the physics of grounding to explain how electrical charges from the ground can have positive effects on your body. Ground Therapy and Earthing products are Clint Ober’s authentic, official grounding products were originally created for practitioners and health-conscious professionals to offer their clients an additional tool to support healthy living.