The Origins Conference took place on 2nd November 2024. Purchase the archived live-stream here: The talk begins with an update on Esna Temple Project in Egypt which Robert has been funding. In the main part of the talk Robert shares new knowledge from the most recent advances in a little-known area of science and how this matches many accounts surviving down the ages from mystics, meditators, people who have survived near-death experiences, inspired sages and shamans, and experiences from dreams and trance states. Robert takes the view that it is reasonable to be sceptical, but can understand how these altered states may have been used in the past to access awareness of the elusive and apparently immaterial ‘Other World’ by shamans and seers over the millennia. Scientific progress is now sufficiently advanced to enable a world of the spirit to be described and explained in a rigorous fashion for the first time. The advances made in the plasma physics in recent years provides a mathematical and physical basis to describe the soul, or spirit. These advances make it possible to understand ghosts, for complex plasmas can pass through walls and emerge the same on the other side (Indeed, they can pass through each other and survive intact as well). The ‘Other World’ is material, but it is a different kind of matter. Prof. Temple is author of a dozen challenging and provocative books, commencing with the international best-seller, The Sirius Mystery. His books include The Sphinx Mystery, Netherworld, The Crystal Sun, and The Genius of China. He is visiting Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and previously held a similar position at an American university. For many years he was a science writer for the Sunday Times, the Guardian, and writer for Time-Life, Nature and The New Scientist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and has been a member of the Egypt Exploration Society since the 1970s. With his wife, Olivia, he is co-author and translator of the first complete English version of Aesop’s Fables. He has done archaeometric dating work and exploration of closed sites in Egypt and his research into historical accounts of the Sphinx is the first comprehensive survey ever undertaken.
Category: History
The Hidden History of Humanity
Collective & Individual trauma in Palestine/Israel with Dr. Gabor Maté
We have invited Dr. Gabor Maté to address some of the pressing questions on our hearts, and to offer his insights on the unfolding tragedy in Palestine and Israel. In this Q&A session, we explore the roots of systemic violence, the impacts of historical and intergenerational trauma, and pathways to restore our shared humanity. How might we break tragic cycles of trauma transmission, widen our circles of compassion, and stand for dignity and justice?
Gurdjieff in Armenia Documentary Film
A documentary on George Gurdjieff with Armenian sub-titles. Contains original and rare footage of the Gurdjieff movements and music from the 1920’s and covers the basis of his teaching in his own words. George Gurdjieff was born in 1867 in Gyumri (formerly Alexandropol) in Armenia. His father Ivan was Greek and his mother Yeva was Armenian. The film was made by Jean-Claude Lubtchansky, a close associate of Madame de Salzmann, with the support of the Gurdjieff Institute in France and is best viewed in full screen on a television or laptop. Osho described Gurdjieff as one of the most significant spiritual masters of this era and indeed this is a film well worth watching. Gurdjieff’s teaching is fully described in the book called “In Search of the Miraculous” which can be read at
Fred Matser – interview during GAIA Action Tank 2022
Fred Matser is a Founder of Fred Foundation & Essentia Foundation A life-changing experience radically affected his vision on life, death, and the human condition, Fred uses insights gained from his intuition, to restore the dynamic balance and harmony in ourselves, between people and in nature. The interview was held on: 09.05.2022
“Sent Back in Time to Debrief W.G. Washington – Unimaginable Events Unfold”
While many of us struggle with the complexities of ordinary consciousness, other people naturally have the ability to see beyond the limits of time and space. Andrew Basiago became aware of these abilities at a very young age and was tapped for military use. Now, he reveals the secret programs that he was once a part of, with Project Pegasus in this interview with Regina Meredith.
Graham Hancock: Consciousness and the Limits of the Materialist Paradigm
A dialogue from Beyond The Brain 2021 – Further Reaches of Consciousness Research, with host David Lorimer, organzied by the Department of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, the Scientific and Medical Network, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the Alef Trust.
Graham Hancock is the NY Times best-selling author of a series of controversial books, notably Fingerprints of the Gods (1995), Heaven’s Mirror (1998), Underworld (2002), Magicians of the Gods (2015) and America Before (2019), investigating the possibility of a lost advanced civilization of the Ice Age. He is also known for his work on the role of altered states of consciousness in the origins of art and religion — an interest explored in his 2005 book Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Man.
The Biggest Ideas in Philosophy
MINIMALISM: Official Netflix Documentary (Entire Film)
MINIMALISM: A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE IMPORTANT THINGS examines the simple lives of minimalists from all walks of life–families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker—all of whom are living meaningfully with less.
This is why we CAN’T Go Back To The Moon
When the Apollo-12 crew landed on the lunar surface, they saw that the landing was observed by a half-transparent, pyramidal object. It was hovering just several meters above the lunar surface and shimmered with all the rainbow colors against the black sky.