Scientist’s Warning: Technology Inhibits Our Spiritual Power, But There is a Way Out | Gregg Braden

Scientist Gregg Braden is back on Know Thyself today for a deeper dive into the inherent beauty of humanity and the technology that threatens it. Pulling on the threads of our last conversations, Gregg opens up about the current state of the world: from transhumanism to artificial intelligence, giving a warning message about these innovations. He provides a reframe on what we’ve been told about human potential: revealing that we are far greater than we know and these technologies threaten that very greatness. Our discussion encompasses a range of critical topics, including the ongoing struggle between good and evil on Earth, the pivotal Year 2030, and the Future of Humanity. Furthermore, Gregg draws intriguing parallels to popular culture, exploring how films like “The Matrix” serve as allegories for deeper truths about our reality, prompting us to question the nature of existence itself.

Mo Gawdat on AI: The Future of AI and How It Will Shape Our World

🤖 AI is here, and it’s evolving faster than we ever imagined. How do we adapt when the rules of the game are shifting under our feet? Is the future one of abundance, or are we heading toward disaster? 🌍 Are we missing the warning signs again? The world is changing fast, faster than we can keep up. From the pandemic to AI advancements, it feels like we’re all being caught off guard. But are we paying attention? 🚀 We’re standing on the brink of something massive. Will we rise to the occasion and adapt, or will the future slip through our fingers? Speech from the TCC Loyalty Forum, May 2024.

What Came Before the Big Bang? | Theory of Embedded Intelligence, Bill Mensch & Bernardo Kastrup

Could it be a coincidence that two founding fathers of modern day computing, independently from each other, are both coming with theories of consciousness that are idealist in nature? Or does a deep understanding of what computation is—and what it is not—inevitably lead away from physicalist ideas on consciousness? Previously Essentia Foundation presented the work of Federico Faggin, and now a legendary contemporary of his, computer engineer Bill Mensch, presents his Theory of Embedded Intelligence (TEI) to us. Mensch was a major contributor to the Motorola 6800 and became famous for his work on the MOS Technology 6502 CPU, a chip that, because of it’s efficiency, completely revolutionized computing in the 80’s. From Arcade halls to the Apple II and Nintendo 8 bit consoles, 6502s could be found everywhere. Even to this day the chip is still used in children’s toys and even in pacemakers and satellites. Looking back at his career, Mensch realizes that building computer chips is in essence a form of ‘embedding’ intelligence in technology, just as nature has embedded intelligence in biological systems, like humans. In his TEI model intelligence is fundamental. This raises the philosophical question of how consciousness relates to intelligence, and for this reason Bernardo Kastrup joined in on the conversation Mensch and Hans Busstra had. The value of a theory like Mensch’s is perhaps exactly that it is not philosophically fine-tuned to the terminology commonly used in philosophy of mind. By not taking the human mind and phenomenal consciousness as its departure point, but intelligence instead, Mensch arrives at a position in which the distinction between living beings and abiotic systems is less distinct. Mensch’s slides can be downloaded here: https://www.essentiafoundation.o…

Will AI produce a state of deep utopia? (w/ Nick Bostrom, Future of Humanity Institute)

In his new book “Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World,” philosopher Nick Bostrom ponders what life could be like in a “solved world” – a world where everything works and works better than if human hands got in the way. “What then?” asks Bostrom, is the reason to work? “Is it to earn extra income or because working is an intrinsically valued activity?” Bostrom is the head of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford and a philosopher with a background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic, and artificial intelligence. He has been called the “Superintelligent Swede” because of the deep philosophical work he undertakes as he examines the trajectory of human life at the intersection of destruction and possibility. Bostrom says, “If artificial intelligence can be achieved, it would be an event of unparalleled consequence – perhaps even a rupture to the fabric of history” – a rupture, Bostrom says, “will change the course of human history but is it the end of human history?” We invited Nick Bostrom to join us for a Conversation That Matters about our flirtatious and tempestuous relationship with the evolution of intelligence.

The Beginnings of this Universe – How Our Virtual Reality and the System Evolved

Tom suspects that the Larger Consciousness System (LCS) was still in the process of growing up while our virtual reality was already being inhabited by us, the Individuated Units of Consciousness. This may explain why there is a such a stark contrast in the God of the Old Testament versus the New Testament. Old mythological tales may have some truth to them, as the rules and interference done by the LCS was much different in the past versus the present.

AI + aliveness – with Dr Rupert Sheldrake (sentience, consciousness, awareness, GPT-4, souls)

Dr Alan D. Thompson is a world expert in artificial intelligence (AI), specialising in the augmentation of human intelligence, and advancing the evolution of ‘integrated AI’. Alan’s applied AI research and visualisations are featured across major international media, including citations in the University of Oxford’s debate on AI Ethics in December 2021.

Nikola Tesla: “The Spirit of God is Not What You Think” (full explanation)

“The Frequency of GOD.” The full explanation of Nikola Tesla’s 369, the true nature of the Matrix and The Real da Vinci Code.”

Many thanks to Dr. Leonard Horowitz. Check out his work, you’ll be amazed –

For more information about the topic of the video, read his book “The Real Da Vinci Code”

AI-Generated Philosophy Is Weirdly Profound


Sources: Zizek’s Ontology by Johnston

Transgressing the Boundary by Sokal

What the Sokal Affair Does and Does Not Prove by Sokal

The Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel

Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit by Kojeve

2001: A Space Odyssey

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream by Ellison

Lectures on The Philosophy of History by Hegel

The Sublime Object of Ideology by Zizek

The Other Side of Psychoanalysis by Lacan

The Desire of Psychoanalysis by Tupinambá