Rupert Sheldrake – Is The Sun Conscious?

Speculative and thought provoking talk which asks us to look beyond the strict confines of scientific materialism and consider how the consciousness of stellar bodies (such as our Sun) is not only of anthropological or cultural interest but a valid field of enquiry in modern philosophy, psychology, cosmology, and neuroscience.

The Physics of Spirituality | Nassim Haramein with Vishen Lakhiani

In this talk from Mindvalley University in Tallinn, Nassim Haramein and Vishen Lakhiani talk about the science of the near future, delving into topics such as wormholes in space, time and space travel, and the consciousness that’s present all around us.

Voices of Meltingpot | Mark Maslin

Prof Mark Maslin provides an introduction to the climate crisis we are facing and the challenges of reaching Net Zero emissions globally by 2050. He will examine what Governments, Companies and Individuals can do to deal with the environmental crisis while making people around the world healthier, wealthier and safer.

Robert Edward Grant Documentary

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave and trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Life twists and turns and takes us far and wide, but in the end, we realize that we have to travel far outside of ourselves to realize just how powerful it is when we do come home to our life purpose…

Decrypting Universal Mysteries & Esoteric Wisdom w/ Robert Edward Grant – Know Thyself Podcast EP 35

Robert Edward Grant dives into the mysteries of life encoded in sacred geometry, The Great Pyramids, and Leonardo Davinci’s work. He explains the purpose of geometry and math in nature, and how we can use it to elevate our own consciousness. He expands upon the mysteries of the Great Pyramids, his experience of them, and how he believes they act as an ascension vehicle to elevate humanity into the New Earth. Robert also dives deep into the heart brain connection, becoming aware of the Divine Lila, merging with The One, and so much more.

Tao Te Ching – Read by Wayne Dyer with Music & Nature Sounds (Binaural Beats)

The Tao Te Ching (pronounced Dao De Jing) was a book of wisdom written for kings by a sage named Lao-Tzu, circa 500BC China. Much like the book of Proverbs found in the Biblical canon, the truths found in the Tao Te Ching are universal and timeless. But it’s not just the east which was, and still is influenced by this great work. The Tao Te Ching resonates deeply with many of the Christian mystics as well, from antiquity to modern times. The Tao is not a religion. Its literal translation is The Way. A way of seeing, a way of being. In the Chinese translation of the New Testament, when Christ refers to “The Way,” their word for it is The Tao. “Ritual and religion is the husk of true faith.” These are one of the proverbs found in the book. So regardless of your religious background, or whether you believe in God or not, you will still find wonderful truths about life put into the simplest of words. Truths about leadership, patience, love and creativity. So share this link with those you love. It is a gift to the world, and we are lucky to be living in a time like this where such things can be shared. The world needs healing. The healing begins with the metanoia–the transformation of the mind.

THE SAGE OF ARUNACHALA AND THE DIRECT PATH-MAHA YOGA Ramana Maharshi and The Upanishads – lomakayu (audiobook)

PART ONE: MAHA YOGA OR THE UPANISHADIC LORE IN THE LIGHT OF THE TEACHINGS OF BHAGAVAN SRI RAMANA – Audiobook In this book the author (WHO) passes the philosophical portion of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s teaching through the Advaitic acid test, and then declares the teaching to be genuine coin of the Advaitic realm.