The Origins Conference took place on 2nd November 2024. Purchase the archived live-stream here: The talk begins with an update on Esna Temple Project in Egypt which Robert has been funding. In the main part of the talk Robert shares new knowledge from the most recent advances in a little-known area of science and how this matches many accounts surviving down the ages from mystics, meditators, people who have survived near-death experiences, inspired sages and shamans, and experiences from dreams and trance states. Robert takes the view that it is reasonable to be sceptical, but can understand how these altered states may have been used in the past to access awareness of the elusive and apparently immaterial ‘Other World’ by shamans and seers over the millennia. Scientific progress is now sufficiently advanced to enable a world of the spirit to be described and explained in a rigorous fashion for the first time. The advances made in the plasma physics in recent years provides a mathematical and physical basis to describe the soul, or spirit. These advances make it possible to understand ghosts, for complex plasmas can pass through walls and emerge the same on the other side (Indeed, they can pass through each other and survive intact as well). The ‘Other World’ is material, but it is a different kind of matter. Prof. Temple is author of a dozen challenging and provocative books, commencing with the international best-seller, The Sirius Mystery. His books include The Sphinx Mystery, Netherworld, The Crystal Sun, and The Genius of China. He is visiting Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and previously held a similar position at an American university. For many years he was a science writer for the Sunday Times, the Guardian, and writer for Time-Life, Nature and The New Scientist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and has been a member of the Egypt Exploration Society since the 1970s. With his wife, Olivia, he is co-author and translator of the first complete English version of Aesop’s Fables. He has done archaeometric dating work and exploration of closed sites in Egypt and his research into historical accounts of the Sphinx is the first comprehensive survey ever undertaken.
Tag: cosmology
Groundbreaking Consciousness Theory By CPU inventor Federico Faggin & Bernardo Kastrup
A new theory of consciousness proposes that qualia — for instance, the scent of a rose — reside in quantum fields. Federico Faggin is one of the greatest luminaries of high technology alive today. A physicist by education, he is the inventor of the microprocessor and the MOS silicon gate technology, both of which underlie the modern world’s entire information technology. With the knowledge and experience of a lifetime in cutting-edge fields, Federico now turns his attention to consciousness and the nature of reality, sharing with us his profound insights on the classical and quantum worlds, artificial intelligence, life and the human mind. In this discussion, he elaborates on an idealist model of reality, produced after years of careful thought and direct experience, according to which nature’s most fundamental level is that of consciousness as a quantum phenomenon, while the classical physical world consists merely of evocative symbols of a deeper reality.
Klee Irwin – Are we Living In A Simulation? – Part 1 – Doom and Gloom
It is utterly realistic for mankind to plunge into one of the many apocalypse movie scenarios, such as environmental, viral, nuclear, famine, water resource apocalypses. Of 195 nations, most are grounded in the philosophy of materialism, which is just as much a philosophical and non-scientific guess about reality as other philosophies such as the simulation hypothesis. We propose that a philosophy as important as materialism (the belief that the core of reality is made of matter) is ultimately causal and guides a global society. A different philosophy of reality would guide the vector or timeline in a different way. Are we living in a simulation? This multi-part series is about the nature of reality. One philosophy to consider is materialism, which is the guess that reality is not made of information at its core but is made of material or matter. The digital physics revolution is the increasingly popular belief among physicists that materialism is a false philosophy and that reality is literally made of information vs being conveniently described by it. If reality is made of information, two candidates for what its substrate would be include: (1) An emergent universal computer. Or (2) an emergent universal mind. Either one could serve as the substrate to hold and process information. The series starts with an emphasis on the instability of human civilization in the 21st century and how quickly old scientific and cultural belief systems are changing. It ends with the provocative suggestion that a clearer scientific picture of what reality is could shift humanity off course from its current high potential for apocalypse. Specifically, if the truer picture turns out to be a status quo rejection of the ancient philosophy of materialism, the implication is that it would change how humanity evolves and interacts on this planet going forward. Look for Part Two!
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Towards a Science of the Subjective | Robert Jahn
Although consciousness-correlated physical phenomena are widely and credibly documented, their appearance and behavior display substantial departures from conventional scientific criteria. Under even the most rigorous protocols, they are only irregularly replicable, and they appear to be insensitive to most basic physical coordinates, including distance and time. Rather, their strongest correlations are with various subjective parameters, such as intention, emotional resonance, uncertainty, attitude, and meaning, and information processing at an unconscious level appears to be involved. If science, by its most basic definition, is to pursue understanding and utilization of these extraordinary processes, it will need to expand its current paradigm to acknowledge and codify a proactive role for the mind in the establishment of physical events, and to accommodate the spectrum of empirically indicated subjective correlates. The challenges of quantitative measurement and theoretical conceptualization within such a ‘‘Science of the Subjective’’ are formidable, but its potential intellectual and cultural benefits could be immense, not least of all in improving the reach, the utility, the attitude, and the image of science itself.
LIFE BEYOND: Chapter 1. Alien life, deep time, and our place in cosmic history (4K)
The biggest question of our time. Are we alone? Chapter 1 of this experience takes you to alien worlds and distant places in time and space, in search of where alien life might be hiding and what our place is within the history of life. After generations of wondering, the truth is finally within our reach. New research and technologies have brought us closer than ever to an answer – only a few decades in the eyes of some NASA scientists.
The search has led to new discoveries that will blow your mind wide open and give a profound new perspective on human life. The deeper we look, the deeper we see into nature’s imagination, and the more we learn about ourselves. I hope stewing on these thoughts tickles your brain as deeply as it does mine.
In upcoming chapters of Life Beyond we will explore making contact with intelligent life, the potential physics of alien biology, how to survive the end of the universe, and more.
The wisdom of the Universe – Interview with Nassim Haramein
Nassim Haramein has spent over 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations.
He explains that matter is mostly made up of vacuum, but that this vacuum structure is actually full of energy, and connects all the particles of the universe between them. He shows how this fundamental geometry of space could allow the mastering of gravity and pave the way for an ascension, both technological and spiritual.
Why Physicists Think The Future Changes the Past – Retrocausality Explained
Retrocausality, a mind-blowing quantum concept, proposes that future events impact the past. Challenging time’s traditional flow and exploring interconnected temporal relationships. Can the universe communicate with its past-self?
Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph.
How do we really move through spacetime?
Marko Rodin – Unleashing the Rodin Solution, Part 1, Extraordinary Technology Conference, 2012
Marco Rodin – Unleashing the Rodin Solution, Part 1 ExtraOrdinary Topics Featured… Tesla Technology • Magnetic Motors • Zero-Point Energy Energy Saving Devices • Cosmic/Radiant Energy • Brown’s Gas Low Temperature Plasma • GEET • ElectroGravitation ElectroMedicine • Magnetic Healing Some people believe that this information should be suppressed… However, TeslaTech will bring this info to YOU!!