Bruce Lipton guides us through evolutionary stages of life, explaining how this leads to the increase of consciousness across the planet.
Tag: cosmology
The Emergence of Conscious Evolution: Jude Currivan
Cosmologist Jude Currivan is an enthusiastic and inspirational advocate of the positive view of the transformations we are witnessing on planet Earth. As a scientist she can report with confidence that science can at last conclusively prove and reconcile scientific evidence with ancient wisdom and universal spiritual experience – resolving SAND’s ongoing quest by revealing the unified nature of reality. “Consciousness is not what we have it is what we are” – and this understanding has the power to heal our fragmented perspectives and radically change our collective behaviors, transforming the challenges of our global emergency into the emergence of our conscious evolution.
Lawrence Krauss & Frank Wilczek – Materiality of a Vacuum PHYSICS – Part 1
The Origins Project invites you to a fascinating and intriguing Lecture by Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek discussing the Materiality of a Vacuum: Late Night Thoughts of a Physicist, followed by a conversation with Lawrence Krauss.
In modern physics we’ve discovered that it is very fruitful to regard empty space, or vacuum, as a sort of material, which can have exotic properties, like superconductivity. Conversely, materials can be viewed “from the inside” as the vacua of alternative worlds, which often have exotic, mind-expanding properties. These ideas suggest new possibilities for cosmology, and bring to life a profound question: What is a Universe?
Recorded Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Multi-Dimensional Origins of Human Species from Edgar Cayce’s Perspective
Author John Van Auken, a Director at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), discusses the multidimensional origins of humankind, through the lens of Edgar Cayce’s reading and the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. Auken’s expertise is mysticism, particularly Egyptian and Christian mysticism and meditation. He has appeared on several television and radio programs, including the Discovery Channel’s, Searching for Atlantis, and the History Channel’s, Digging for the Truth.
Quantum Reality, God & Why The Universe Isn’t Real with Caroline Cory | NLS Podcast
Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, author, and the founder of the Omnium Method of Energy Medicine and Consciousness Studies. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous E.S.P (extra-sensory) and “paranormal” experiences, which led her to become deeply connected to spirituality, the study of consciousness, existential topics and the mechanics of the universe.
After teaching Energy Medicine and Consciousness Studies for over a decade, Cory founded Omnium Media, an entertainment and media platform that tackles thought-provoking topics on the human condition and the nature of reality. In addition to writing and producing, Cory continues to lecture and coach internationally on various mind-over-matter subjects and appears regularly as a guest expert on supernatural phenomena at major conferences and television shows, including such popular series as The UnXplained with William Shatner and History Channel’s Ancient Aliens. Her films include, AMONG US, SUPERHUMAN: THE INVISIBLE MADE VISIBLE, and A TEAR IN THE SKY.
It was once thought that gravity and quantum mechanics were inconsistent with one another. Instead, we are discovering that they are so closely connected that one can almost say they are the same thing. Professor Susskind will explain how this view came into being over the last two decades, and illustrate how a number of gravitational phenomena have their roots in the ordinary principles of quantum mechanics.
Leonard Susskind is an American physicist, who is a professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University, and founding director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics. His research interests include string theory, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics, and quantum cosmology.
The Living Universe – Documentary about Consciousness and Reality | Waking Cosmos
Since the time of Plato, the human understanding of the universe has moved through two epoch-defining paradigms. These are the view of the universe as a great mind, moving into the view of the universe as a great machine. Today there are signs that the modern mind is moving towards an organismic view of the universe, apprehended as an evolving, self-generating, and ultimately living process. This film is based on an essay I wrote for my philosophy master’s degree, inspired by the work of, among others, Brian Swimme, Thomas Berry, Thomas Nagel, and Richard Tarnas.
Sean Carroll | The Passage of Time & the Meaning of Life
What is time? What is humankind’s role in the universe? What is the meaning of life? For much of human history, these questions have been the province of religion and philosophy. What answers can science provide?
In this talk, Sean Carroll will share what physicists know, and don’t yet know, about the nature of time. He’ll argue that while the universe might not have purpose, we can create meaning and purpose through how we approach reality, and how we live our lives.
Sean Carroll is a Research Professor of theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology, and an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. His research has focused on fundamental physics and cosmology, especially issues of dark matter, dark energy, spacetime symmetries, and the origin of the universe.
Recently, Carroll has worked on the foundations of quantum mechanics, the emergence of spacetime, and the evolution of entropy and complexity. Carroll is the author of “Something Deeply Hidden”, “The Big Picture”, “The Particle at the End of the Universe” amongst other books and hosts the “Mindscapes” podcast.
Robert Lanza: Rethinking Our Insanely Improbable Universe
Speaking with the authority of a distinguished scientific career, Robert Lanza presents the case for abandoning the “dumb universe” paradigm and going beyond the illusion of our individual separatism. In a presentation that inspires optimism for the dawn of a new age of science, he explains the impossibility of a universe created from randomness alone, and describes how this idea has led to our alienation from nature. “Life and awareness are indispensable cosmic attributes,” he says. With a biocentric worldview, science makes sense.
2021 6 12 Emerging Discoveries in Dark Matter and Subtle Energy Physics
Emerging Discoveries in Dark Matter and Subtle Energy Physics. Dr. John Hagelin reports on the latest breakthroughs.