I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of human potential and the mind-body connection. Time and time again, I’ve seen that mindset is a defining factor in how successful my patients are on their healing journey. The mind-body connection is a powerful one, so much so that there are numerous reports of spontaneous remission of chronic pain and diseases when people change their headspace. How we think and feel creates our state of being. Digging into our subconscious thoughts and beliefs and redefining how we see our future can have real, long-lasting impacts on our physical health. I was so excited to sit down with Dr. Joe Dispenza to talk about his work in mind-body medicine, helping people overcome their biggest obstacles and form new, healthy, limitless lives. Dr. Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness.
Tag: health
New Evidence for Out-of-Body Experiences & Perennial Wisdom | Neuroscientist Marjorie Woollacott PhD
In this wide-ranging interview with Natalia Vorontsova, Professor Marjorie Woollacott draws remarkable parallels between 9th-10th century Kashmiri Shaivism and modern idealism, pointing to the fundamental and irreducible nature of consciousness. Moreover, her study of near-death experiences empirically supports this very hypothesis of the existence of a fundamental consciousness without neurons and beyond our five senses. This is an open conversation about life, death, and who we really are as ‘points of consciousness.’
Louise Hay – You Can Heal Your Life full movie
Cerebrospinal Fluid, Medium of the Spirit: Mauro Zappaterra
Harvard-trained physician Mauro Zappaterra describes how he brings his training in alternative therapies, such as Polarity Therapy and Reiki, to his physical medicine rehabilitation practice, and reports on some of the fascinating and pioneering discoveries of his Harvard Medical School lab about the remarkable role of cerebrospinal fluid.
Why remote and group healing work ✨ Dr Joe Dispenza
“In May of 2021, Dr Joe Dispenza formed the official Coherence Healing™ group called COHERENCE™. This group is made up of Advanced Students who have been dedicated to this practice as taught by Dr Joe during the Week Long Advanced Retreats.
The group was primarily created to scientifically study and measure the cause as well as the effect of Coherence Healing™ with major universities around the world. Dr Joe periodically works with the group to test new hypotheses about the most effective ways for us to produce non-local changes in matter. The work of the Coherence Healing™ group will continue to help evolve the practice and deepen our understanding of how Coherence Healing™ works with specific health conditions.
When not engaged in a research study, the COHERENCE™ group conducts healings for the public. Anyone interested in a Coherence Healing™ must personally apply and must be present during the healing via Zoom, with the exception of people in a medical crisis – such as being in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. There is no fee for Coherence Healing™.”
Grounding – The Grounded Documentary Film about “Earthing”
Grounding is a healing technique that includes performing activities that “ground you” or electrically reconnect you to the ground. This practice draws on the science of grounding and the physics of grounding to explain how electrical charges from the ground can have positive effects on your body. Ground Therapy and Earthing products are Clint Ober’s authentic, official grounding products were originally created for practitioners and health-conscious professionals to offer their clients an additional tool to support healthy living.