From the left-brain right-brain divide to the metaphysics of magic, Dr Iain McGilchrist addresses the profound questions of living well. The esteemed thinker was in conversation with Freddie Sayers at the UnHerd Club on 20th April 2023.
Tag: interview
Not Too Late: Finding Hope in a Time of Despair with Roshi Joan Halifax & Rebecca Solnit
This event is part of Tricycle’s second annual Buddhism and Ecology Summit, a weeklong series of conversations with Buddhist teachers, writers, environmental activists and psychologists on transforming eco-anxiety into awakened action. Learn more and sign up here:…
Conversations around confronting the climate crisis often focus on what we will lose in moving from an “age of abundance” to a time of austerity and scarce resources. But what about what we stand to gain in these times of transformation—and how we might challenge the ways that we are currently impoverished? Writer Rebecca Solnit, celebrated author and editor of the forthcoming book “Not Too Late,” and beloved Buddhist teacher Roshi Joan Halifax, a contributor to Not Too Late, explore the new realities we are facing at this time as well as the powerful possibilities before us—and how to manage our emotions through it all. As Rebecca writes: It is not too late.
In this conversation, Tricycle’s Publisher, Sam Mowe, sat down with Roshi Joan Halifax and Rebecca Solnit to discover a radical view of transforming our sense of impoverishment to hope, connection, and faith in our shared future.
Whitley Strieber Unveils Life-Changing Secrets Given to Him by a Mysterious Being!
I had the honor of speaking to renowned and New York Times best-selling author Whitley Strieber. He began his writing career with a pair of modern-Gothic horror novels, The Wolfen (1981) and The Hunger (1983), which was turned into a feature film by the late great filmmaker Tony Scott.
He is perhaps best known for the third phase of his career, which began with Communion (1989), an autobiographical account of his experiences with strange alien “visitors” who he says came to his cabin in the New York countryside. This #1 New York Times Non-Fiction Bestseller (on the list for 15 weeks) was also turned into a film starring Christopher Walken.
Whitley has written several other thrillers, and two novels about environmental apocalypse, Nature’s End and The Coming Global Superstorm. Superstorm served as an inspiration for Fox’s The Day After Tomorrow (2004), and Strieber later penned the novelization of that film.
“Hate is like coal, it burns out. Love is like heat, it doesn’t.” – The Master of the Key
In this episode, we will be discussing one of Whitley’s most profound books, The Key: A True Encounter.
At two-thirty in the morning of June 6, 1998, Whitley Streiber was awakened by somebody knocking on his hotel room door. A man came in, and everything he said was life-altering.
This is the unsettling and ultimately enlightening narrative of what happened that night. Strieber was never really sure who this strange and knowing visitor was–a “Master of Wisdom”? A figure from a different realm of consciousness? A preternaturally intelligent being? He called him the Master of the Key. The one thing of which Strieber was certain is that both the man and the encounter were real.
The main concern of the Master of the Key is to save each of us from self-imprisonment. “Mankind is trapped,” the stranger tells Strieber. “I want to help you spring the trap.” In a sweeping exchange between Strieber and the stranger–which takes the form of a classical student- teacher dialogue in pursuit of inner understanding–the unknown man presents a lesson in human potential, esoteric psychology, and man’s fate. He illuminates why man has been caught in a cycle of repeat violence and self-destruction–and the slender, but very real, possibility for release.
In its breadth and intimacy, The Key is on par with contemporary metaphysical traditions, such as A Course in Miracles, or even with the dialogues of modern wisdom teachers, such as D.T. Suzuki and Carl Jung.
It was a pleasure speaking to Whitley. Enjoy!
Do ALIENS really live among us? (Part #1) Interview with Christina von Dreien and Maxim Mankevich.
In this video, find out whether aliens really live among us? From her perception, Christina von Dreien talks about whether there are aliens on the Earth and how they influence and manipulate us.
Mindvalley’s Vishen Lakhiani’s Mind-Blowing Technique to Bend Your Reality
Vishen Lakhiani is an author and entrepreneur in the ed-tech space. He is the founder of Mindvalley, an education technology company building a new model for human education that aims to give everyone the same quality of life and benefits of an Ivy League education for 1/100 the price.
Mindvalley creates tech and platforms that power online academies in areas that traditional education ignores. These include mindfulness, personal growth, wellness, spirituality and more. Mindvalley employs 400 people and has 20 million students globally. In addition to founder of Mindvalley, he is the founder of the transformational festival A-Fest. Vishen quest is to help move humanity to a more holistic, integrated education system that caters for the whole being.
Now, Vishen is leading a revolution in meditation—and he says that trying to replicate ancient monastic practices within the chaos that is modern life is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s why he developed his breakthrough technique. The Six Phase Meditation Method isn’t just about spiritual centeredness (which of course you’ll get)—it’s also about performance.
It actively impacts the way you show up in the world so you can help make it a better place. It’s a condensed, magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing meditation that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.
In short, Vishen hacked meditation to make it work for anyone, no matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture they are. Over years of study in personal growth that led him to consult with neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts, he pulled from thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom, cherry-picked the best bits, translated it all into plain English, and put it into a 20-minute practice that anyone can master.
His new book is called The 6 Phase Meditation Method: The Proven Technique to Supercharge Your Mind, Manifest Your Goals, and Make Magic in Minutes a Day
Don’t be fooled by the title. This book has nothing to do with meditation as you know it. We just didn’t have enough space on the front cover to call it The 6 Phase Multi-Faceted Psycho-Spiritual Transcendent Mind-Training Technique . . .
Leading a revolution in meditation, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Vishen Lakhiani interviewed nearly 1,000 neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts over years of study. He distilled thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom to create The 6 Phase Meditation Method—aka, meditation for badasses.
Used daily by athletes, artists, rock stars, and CEOs, the 6 Phase Meditation is a magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing protocol that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.
No matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture you are, the 6 Phase Meditation is suitable for absolutely everyone, no exceptions. And this transcendent sequence is custom-designed to produce these peak states in its practitioners in minutes a day. No boredom, special breathing, or “clearing your mind” required.
Please enjoy my conversation with Vishen Lakhiani.
Telepathy and teleportation: natural abilities?
Live recording 2, Modelhof, 15.11.2022, Christina’s view on the pineal gland, on which powers are behind current events, and how the increase in the vibration of the Earth affects our consciousness.
PHYSICS IS WRONG w/ Dr. Wolfgang Smith
This is a heady one. We sit down with super scientist Dr. Wolfgang Smith who went to Cornell at the age of 15, taught at MIT, studied with Sadhus in the Himalayas, published the first theoretical solution NASA’s re-entry problem and he’s here to say… physics is wrong.
DEBATE: Materialism vs. Anti-Materialism
Bryan is joined by Dr. David Papineau, a materialist, and Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, an anti-materialist, for a debate on the matter of things.
Love Stream 8 – Excerpt 2 – On the subtle level, the light has already won. English subtitles
Christina is here because she fell in love with humanity… and because she saw how the light was able to break through, she knew that it was worth coming here…
Consciousness beyond brain function, with neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander
A frank conversation with neurosurgeon and near-death experiencer Dr. Eben Alexander, on the survival of consciousness beyond brain function.