The Truth on Why We Fail in Life & How to Fix It! | Yogi Anand Mehrotra

Yogi Anand Mehrotra is a spiritual master who was born and brought up in Rishikesh on the banks of the Ganga. He grew up on the lap of his Master. Surrounded by very loving people, he grew up in a very yogic family with their personal sadhana, a great family steeped in the tradition. From a very young age, he was exposed to profound teachings of the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition and began practicing. He was identified as a prodigy. He respected and was engaged by the elders of the tradition.

He has been an exceptionally brilliant student throughout his life. While engrossed in studies, he always had an intense thirst for knowledge. He spent years studying and practicing. He was very involved with a genuine interest. At a young age, he had profound inner experiences and inner cognition accompanied by deep, authentic teachings. He grew up with his Master and, through him, had the privilege of spending time in the high Himalayas journeying to the Himalayas.

Anand started teaching this profound knowledge consistently at the age of 21 and has been teaching ever since. He has traveled extensively around the globe, and his teachings have impacted many people. His students include people of all ages, and all nationalities, including leaders and celebrities, actors, creatives, lawyers, successful entrepreneurs, and young students − a vast range of people from North America, South America, Europe, China, Australia, and many more countries.

There have been documentaries made of him, and he has taken part in other documentaries. He has led people on transformative journeys in the Himalayas, as portrayed in some of those documentaries. He has been featured in international publications and magazines. As a conscious Jyotish Master, Anand consults and shares his incredible insights and wisdom with many all over the planet.

Anand has dedicated his life to honoring the pure knowledge of the integrated practices of the original teachings and wisdom of the Himalayas and to protecting the integrity of the powerful techniques contained in these ancient practices. He has developed Sattva Retreat, Sattva Yoga, Sattva Yoga Academy, Sattva Connect, an online platform, and Sattva Summit.

When Anand was still in his teens, he founded the Khushi Charitable Society and the Sattva Foundation, organizations that still offer support to the local communities, supplying food to those in need and medicines and medical equipment to hospitals and clinics.

He continues to be an active philanthropist, always excited about creating employment opportunities for people so that they can become economically independent; he is very passionate about conscious farming, organic practices and nourishing nature, so he founded Sattva Organic Farms.

Anand Mehrotra is an enthusiastic, conscious entrepreneur. He eagerly conceives of new enterprises and then quickly manifests them. He has designed buildings and sacred spaces. He created Yogini Ayurveda and The Sattva Collection, which both support artisans in India. He established Sattva Publications and has written and published three books.

He is a phenomenally creative being who started Sattva Music and has recorded and released sacred music through that company. Anand’s current projects are many, including the development of Sattva Jyotish Gems, Rasa Resorts, and other retreat places. The new Sattva n Co Organics will be launched soon with the release of its first product, its own brand of Kombucha.

Why remote and group healing work ✨ Dr Joe Dispenza

“In May of 2021, Dr Joe Dispenza formed the official Coherence Healing™ group called COHERENCE™. This group is made up of Advanced Students who have been dedicated to this practice as taught by Dr Joe during the Week Long Advanced Retreats.

The group was primarily created to scientifically study and measure the cause as well as the effect of Coherence Healing™ with major universities around the world. Dr Joe periodically works with the group to test new hypotheses about the most effective ways for us to produce non-local changes in matter. The work of the Coherence Healing™ group will continue to help evolve the practice and deepen our understanding of how Coherence Healing™ works with specific health conditions.

When not engaged in a research study, the COHERENCE™ group conducts healings for the public. Anyone interested in a Coherence Healing™ must personally apply and must be present during the healing via Zoom, with the exception of people in a medical crisis – such as being in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. There is no fee for Coherence Healing™.”

Paul Hawken Pt 1 | Social Dynamics Of Food, Farming and Climate Change | 098

098: Climate activist and author Paul Hawken joins us for his fifth interview, focused on food, agriculture, climate change, and greenwashing. In this episode, the first half of Dave Chapman’s conversation with Paul, they discuss whether regenerative agriculture is organic and vice verse.

Paul Hawken is a climate activist, entrepreneur, and the author of nine books including Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World, Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, and his most-recent, 2022’s best-selling Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation. He serves on Real Organic Project’s Advisory Board.

#35 Johnjoe McFadden PHD – QUANTUM BIOLOGY

What evidence is there for quantum effects in biological systems? What are the implications for life in general?

In this episode we’ve got the relatively new field of quantum biology to assess. For years the idea of quantum effects in biological cells was dismissed because live cells were ‘too warm and wet’ to host these sensitive quantum coherences. But new research into quantum coherence in avian navigation, quantum tunnelling in DNA mutations, in enzymes, even in smell – has brought new interest and study to the field of Quantum Biology.

One biochemist, saw all this coming and wrote a book about it 20 years ago called, ‘Quantum evolution’. He is none other that than Professor of Molecular Genetics at Surrey university, JohnJoe McFadden.

His mainstream research is in microbial genetics, particularly in developing new systems biology approaches to infectious diseases. He is a keen promoter of public understanding of science and has given many popular science talks on subjects as varied as evolution and GM food. He also writes popular science articles, particularly for the Guardian newspaper. His specialties are broad including: systems biology, microbiology, evolutionary genetics, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, meningitis, and bionanotechnology.

He’s written many books but in this episiode we’ll be focussing on material from his newer books, ‘Life on the Edge, the coming age of Quantum Biology’ with physicist Jim Al-Khalili, and ‘Life is Simple: How Occams Razor Set Science Free and Unlocked the Universe’.

Sorry for the occasional connection lagtime on this video, the audio is fine though.

Ray Kurzweil Wants To Put Nanobots In Our Bloodstream

Would you want to live forever? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and author, inventor, and futurist Ray Kurzweil discuss immortality, longevity escape velocity, the singularity, and the future of technology. What will life be like in 10 years?

Could we upload our brain to the cloud? We explore the merger of humans with machines and how we are already doing it. Could nanobots someday flow through our bloodstreams? Learn about the exponential growth of computation and what future computing power will look like.

When will computers pass the Turing test? Learn why the singularity is nearer and how to think exponentially about the world. Are things getting worse? We go through why things might not be as bad as they seem. What are the consequences of having a longer lifetime? Will we deplete resources?

Will there be a class divide between people able to access longer lifespans? What sort of jobs would people have in the future? Explore what artificial intelligence has in store for us. What happens if AI achieves consciousness? We discuss the definition of intelligence and whether there will be a day when there is nothing left for humans to do. Will we ever see this advancement ending?

Jim Tucker || The Science of Reincarnation

Today we welcome Dr. Jim Tucker who is a child psychiatrist and the Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He is Director of the UVA Division of Perceptual Studies, where he is continuing the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson on reincarnation. He has been invited to speak about his research on Good Morning America, Larry King Live, and CBS Sunday Morning. He recently published BEFORE: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives, a 2-in-1 edition of his previous books.

In this episode, I talk to Dr. Jim Tucker about the science of reincarnation. We delve into his research findings and methodology on children who claim to remember their previous lives. Dr. Tucker notes that these children don’t just recall biographical details of their past, but they also retain feelings and emotions. His findings have important implications for how we understand consciousness. We also touch on the topics of mortality, trauma, quantum physics, and panpsychism.