The 7 SURPRISING Ways To Heal Trauma WITHOUT MEDICATION | Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk

My guest today is someone who I’ve been wanting to speak to for a very long time. Dr Bessel van der Kolk is a professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and President of the Trauma Research Foundation in Massachusetts.

Practical Tools for Mass Awakening with Gregg Braden! QMTV Ep. 13

Watch Episode 13 of Quantum Minds TV with Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke and distinguished guest, Gregg Braden, to learn more about how being human helps us to access our divinity. Whether we look at spirituality, indigenous traditions, or ‘the simulation’, all of them invite us to discover the best version of ourselves. The best version of ourselves is the full extent of our humanness and our extraordinary potential. We must tap into our fullest human capacity to support mass awakening.

In this episode, we share about accessing optimal coherence, the quantum field, critical mass, and the future of humanity.

The Game Changers: Alchemists in the 21st Century (book):

Dr. Ben Goertzel – Artificial Intelligence & The Singularity | PART 1 of 2

Dr Ben Goertzel is a cross-disciplinary scientist, futurist, author and entrepreneur, who has spent the best part of his working life focused on creating benevolent superhuman artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Exploring the Intersection of Healthcare & Artificial Intelligence | Peter Diamandis & Josh Clemente

According to Peter Diamandis, MD, we’ll make more technological progress and breakthroughs in the next 10 years than in the past 100, including current developments in fusion, humanoid robots, avatars, and ChatGPT. Listen as Levels Founder Josh Clemente talks with Peter Diamandis about technological breakthroughs and what they mean for the future of medicine, and how to shift your mindset as an entrepreneur to make a real change in the world. Peter Diamandis was recently named by Fortune as one of the world’s 50 greatest leaders. He’s the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, executive founder of Singularity University, and bestselling author, and is a never-ending source of positive inspiration for entrepreneurs.

Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness Panel

Monica Gagliano has single-handedly pioneered the revolutionary new field of Plant Bioacoustics, which is providing the most powerful evidence to date that plants possess forms of cognition that could constitute “personhood.” Michael Pollan, who has studied the human-plant relationship in such classic bestselling works as The Botany of Desire, has now turned his attention in his new book How To Change Your Mind to what cutting-edge research on psychedelic substances (which are nearly all derived from or modeled on plant molecules) is revealing about human consciousness. These two brilliant visionaries engaged in conversation hosted by J.P. Harpignies, Bioneers Senior Producer.

Max Tegmark – Transhuman Brains?

Transhuman brains are the melding of hyper-advanced electronics and super-artificial intelligence (AI) with neurobiological tissue. The goal is not only to repair injury and mitigate disease, but also to enhance brain capacity and boost mental function. What is the big vision, the end goal — how far can transhuman brains go? What does it mean for individual consciousness and personal identity? Is virtual immortality possible? What are the ethics, the morality, of transhuman brains? What are the dangers?

David Korten – Replacing the Suicide Economy

David Korten is an economist, author, activist, and prominent critic of corporate globalization. He is perhaps best known for his bestselling 1995 book, When Corporations Rule the World – an examination of market libertarians’ twisting of famed economist Adam Smith’s teachings and a vision of an alternative sustainable economy based on small-scale, localized cooperative enterprises. He was named an Utne Reader visionary in 2011. His publications are required reading in university courses around the world. Korten is also the cofounder and chair of YES! Magazine, a nonprofit publication focused on sustainability, alternative economics and peace.

Riane Eisler speaks at Collective Trauma Summit 2021

Dr. Riane Eisler was a part of the Collective Trauma Summit 2021, an online event to explore how to work with individual, ancestral, and collective trauma. Eisler was a featured speaker and delivered a talk about shifting from the “trauma factories” of Domination Systems to Partnership Systems.