The power of the mind – Interview with Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. recalls his career and how he discovered epigenetics. He explains how our beliefs, our mind, and especially our subconscious can influence our genes. He teaches us how we can learn to reprogram our subconscious, and take back the control of our life.

The Truth on Why We Fail in Life & How to Fix It! | Yogi Anand Mehrotra

Yogi Anand Mehrotra is a spiritual master who was born and brought up in Rishikesh on the banks of the Ganga. He grew up on the lap of his Master. Surrounded by very loving people, he grew up in a very yogic family with their personal sadhana, a great family steeped in the tradition. From a very young age, he was exposed to profound teachings of the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition and began practicing. He was identified as a prodigy. He respected and was engaged by the elders of the tradition.

He has been an exceptionally brilliant student throughout his life. While engrossed in studies, he always had an intense thirst for knowledge. He spent years studying and practicing. He was very involved with a genuine interest. At a young age, he had profound inner experiences and inner cognition accompanied by deep, authentic teachings. He grew up with his Master and, through him, had the privilege of spending time in the high Himalayas journeying to the Himalayas.

Anand started teaching this profound knowledge consistently at the age of 21 and has been teaching ever since. He has traveled extensively around the globe, and his teachings have impacted many people. His students include people of all ages, and all nationalities, including leaders and celebrities, actors, creatives, lawyers, successful entrepreneurs, and young students − a vast range of people from North America, South America, Europe, China, Australia, and many more countries.

There have been documentaries made of him, and he has taken part in other documentaries. He has led people on transformative journeys in the Himalayas, as portrayed in some of those documentaries. He has been featured in international publications and magazines. As a conscious Jyotish Master, Anand consults and shares his incredible insights and wisdom with many all over the planet.

Anand has dedicated his life to honoring the pure knowledge of the integrated practices of the original teachings and wisdom of the Himalayas and to protecting the integrity of the powerful techniques contained in these ancient practices. He has developed Sattva Retreat, Sattva Yoga, Sattva Yoga Academy, Sattva Connect, an online platform, and Sattva Summit.

When Anand was still in his teens, he founded the Khushi Charitable Society and the Sattva Foundation, organizations that still offer support to the local communities, supplying food to those in need and medicines and medical equipment to hospitals and clinics.

He continues to be an active philanthropist, always excited about creating employment opportunities for people so that they can become economically independent; he is very passionate about conscious farming, organic practices and nourishing nature, so he founded Sattva Organic Farms.

Anand Mehrotra is an enthusiastic, conscious entrepreneur. He eagerly conceives of new enterprises and then quickly manifests them. He has designed buildings and sacred spaces. He created Yogini Ayurveda and The Sattva Collection, which both support artisans in India. He established Sattva Publications and has written and published three books.

He is a phenomenally creative being who started Sattva Music and has recorded and released sacred music through that company. Anand’s current projects are many, including the development of Sattva Jyotish Gems, Rasa Resorts, and other retreat places. The new Sattva n Co Organics will be launched soon with the release of its first product, its own brand of Kombucha.

Why remote and group healing work ✨ Dr Joe Dispenza

“In May of 2021, Dr Joe Dispenza formed the official Coherence Healing™ group called COHERENCE™. This group is made up of Advanced Students who have been dedicated to this practice as taught by Dr Joe during the Week Long Advanced Retreats.

The group was primarily created to scientifically study and measure the cause as well as the effect of Coherence Healing™ with major universities around the world. Dr Joe periodically works with the group to test new hypotheses about the most effective ways for us to produce non-local changes in matter. The work of the Coherence Healing™ group will continue to help evolve the practice and deepen our understanding of how Coherence Healing™ works with specific health conditions.

When not engaged in a research study, the COHERENCE™ group conducts healings for the public. Anyone interested in a Coherence Healing™ must personally apply and must be present during the healing via Zoom, with the exception of people in a medical crisis – such as being in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. There is no fee for Coherence Healing™.”

HOME – Yann Arthus-Bertrand (English version)

Home is a 2009 documentary directed by French photographer, reporter and environmentalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand and produced by Luc Besson. The film is almost entirely composed of aerial shots of various places on Earth. It shows how tightly linked Man and nature are, and how humanity is threatening the ecological balance of the planet. The English version of the film is narrated by Glenn Close.


Finding Your Seat: A Meditation Posture Workshop with Will Johnson

On the most basic level, seated meditation practice is the act of just sitting. How we sit, therefore, is vitally important to the quality of our practice.

If you haven’t given much thought to the way you’re sitting—or if you’ve been experiencing pain or physical discomfort in your practice—then it’s time to take a closer look at your posture.

Join us to discover the principles of meditation posture in this hour-long virtual workshop with Will Johnson, meditation teacher and author of The Posture of Meditation. In the workshop, Johnson will lead a demonstration and share his methods for awakening the body to sit with ease, comfort, and mindfulness. As you’ll discover, learning to sit is about more than comfort and alignment—it’s also about how to use the sitting posture as a vehicle for deep meditation and deep letting go.

Exploring Liminal Spaces: A Workshop with Andrew Holecek

In life and in spiritual practice, we will encounter many in-between spaces: times of transition from one stage of life to the next, from one state of consciousness to another, and even from death to rebirth.

How can we navigate these liminal spaces—and unearth the riches contained within them?

Join Tibetan Buddhist teacher and author Andrew Holecek for an hour-long virtual workshop looking to ancient Tibetan wisdom for insights on how to work consciously with the transitory places and processes in our lives. Looking specifically to two realms of the liminal—dreaming states of consciousness as encountered in Tibetan dream yoga, and the bardo teachings, which explore the realms between death and rebirth—he will suggest how we can approach uncertainty and impermanence as opportunities for awakening.

Holecek is the author of numerous books on Buddhist teachings and the teacher of Tricycle’s online courses, Dream Yoga, Living and Dying: Navigating the Bardos, and Transforming Obstacle into Opportunity.


How can out of body experiences be explained? What theory of reality could accomodate such a phenomenon? Today we have the extraordinary topic of the science and physics of Out of Body Experiences to get our head around! Many brain scientists have reduced this common experience to a mix of physiological and brain chemical effects, maintaining that no perceiving consciousness actually leaves the body, rather it is a form of hallucination and distortion of body schema. Not knowing when these experiences will spontaneously occur has made them hard to study in the lab. However, certain researchers have developed a method for inducing the experience, allowing for deeper study. Following that study some new theories of reality have developed that could include such an experience and even others like Near Death Experience or NDE, and Controlled Remote Viewing which we’re evaluating in this second series. One such scientist is our guest today physicist Dr. Tom Campbell! He’s an experimental physicist who’s worked for over 20 years developing US missile systems for the Department of Defence, specialising in developing cutting edge technology, large-system simulation, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis. He began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s. He helped design experiments and develop the Binaural Beats technology for creating specific altered states, and became an experienced test subject and trainer too. After many years studying consciousness, and out of body experiences he wrote the book ‘My Big TOE’, as in ‘Theory of Everything’, which describes his model of existence and reality from both the physical and metaphysical points of view.

The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing. Since then, he’s climbed Mount Everest in his shorts, resisted altitude sickness, completed a marathon in the Namib Desert with no water and proven under a laboratory setting that he’s able to influence his autonomic nervous system and immune system at will.

Almost everything Wim has done was previously thought to be impossible – but he’s not a freak of nature.

To demonstrate that any human can learn his methods, Wim offered to teach Matt Shea and Daisy-May Hudson to climb a freezing cold mountain in their shorts without getting cold. But when Matt and Daisy signed up for the training, they had no idea that the so-called Iceman was planning to lead them on a psychedelic journey across Europe that circled the chasm between science, spirituality and mystery.

Learn How to Meditate from a Zen Buddhist Priest – Genpo Roshi

Want to learn the best, most relaxing way to meditate? Dennis Paul Merzel, also known as Genpo Roshi, is a Zen Priest and teacher in the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen Buddhism. Since his initial awakening over 45 years ago, his passion and purpose has been to assist others to realize their true nature, and to continuously deepen his own journey to enlightenment. In this truly fascinating and intimate conversation, the author of “Spitting Out the Bones: A Zen Master’s 45 Year Journey” demonstrates his meditation method right down to the breath, so that everyone can experience the relaxing nature of this ancient practice. Genpo and Dave also dig into his Big Mind/Big Heart Process, his spiritual awakenings, his five stages of development, and his views on celibacy, monogamy/polyamory, and honesty. The ultimate guide to meditation and illumination is right here in this hour, so don’t miss it!