Exposing Scientific Dogma- Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert gave a talk entitled The Science Delusion at TEDx Whitechapel, Jan 12, 2013. The theme for the night was Visions for Transition: Challenging existing paradigms and redefining values (for a more beautiful world). In response to protests from two materialists in the US, the talk was taken out of circulation by TED, relegated to a corner of their website and stamped with a warning label.

Peter Diamandis -The Future Is Faster Than You Think

Emerging technologies have unprecedented potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. Among the most powerful — and controversial — is the gene-editing tech, CRISPR-Cas9, which will improve agricultural yields, cure genetic disorders, and eradicate infectious diseases like malaria. But CRISPR and other disruptive technologies, like brain-machine interfaces and artificial intelligence, also pose complex philosophical and ethical questions. Perhaps no one is better acquainted with these questions than Peter Diamandis, founder of the XPRIZE Foundation and co-founder of Singularity University and Human Longevity Inc. In this session, Peter will give a state of the union on the near future and explore the profound ethical implications we will face in the ongoing technological revolution.

Connecting with a Conscious Universe

What do ancient religious leaders and cutting-edge scientists have in common? They are all great thinkers seeking our deepest connection with the universe and where we fit in with everything. Ervin Laszlo explores where we come from, with an understanding that our universe is not just holographic, but holotropic – which means, moving toward wholeness. As we collectively come into awareness that everything in the universe acts as one and that nothing is ever truly disconnected, we stand at the cusp of an evolutionary leap in consciousness.

Robert Edward Grant Documentary

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave and trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Life twists and turns and takes us far and wide, but in the end, we realize that we have to travel far outside of ourselves to realize just how powerful it is when we do come home to our life purpose…

The Quantitative Comparison Between the Neuronal Network and the Cosmic Web

We investigate the similarities between two of the most challenging and complex systems in Nature: the network of neuronal cells in the human brain, and the cosmic network of galaxies. We explore the structural, morphological, network properties and the memory capacity of these two fascinating systems, with a quantitative approach. In order to have an homogeneous analysis of both systems, our procedure does not consider the true neural connectivity but an approximation of it, based on simple proximity. The tantalizing degree of similarity that our analysis exposes seems to suggest that the self-organization of both complex systems is likely being shaped by similar principles of network dynamics, despite the radically different scales and processes at play.


Worlds Smartest Kid Just Revealed CERN Just Opened A Portal To Another Dimension

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the grandeur of the cosmos if you take the time to really look at what’s going on. Science has just scratched the surface of reality, and nature’s discoveries are far more stunning than anybody could have predicted. There is proof of free energy, unified field of consciousness, superhuman ability, parallel reality, and much more, so much that no one would assume a child could grasp it all. At the same time, one of the world’s brightest kids has proposed some thoughts regarding CERN’s capabilities and how scientists have exploited it to open a doorway to another realm. What arguments did this young genius put up, and how was the machine employed to create a new portal? Join us as we investigate how the world’s smartest child genius stated that some physicists and the Large Hadron Collider created a portal. Who do you seek life guidance from? Will the views of a child suffice? No! What if the kid understands far more than you do about what’s going on? And we are not referring about what’s going on at school or in the country. Think universal. The potential of children should not be overlooked. This world is full of brilliant young individuals. There are children, such as Malala Yousafzai, who accomplish incredible work and achieve international recognition for their inspiring activities. At the age of 21, Elizabeth Nance worked at Johns Hopkins to create nanoparticles that could penetrate brain tissue. Brilliance has no age limit, and exceptionally remarkable ideas are frequently recognized. Then there are children like Max Laughlin. Max’s idea regarding the Large Hadron Collider has sparked concern among experts all around the world. The young and genius kid was first recognized for mesmerizing the globe with his insights about how the world works and how humans adapt to each new event uncovered in our universe.

A Conscious Universe? – Dr Rupert Sheldrake

The sciences are pointing toward a new sense of a living world. The cosmos is like a developing organism, and so is our planet, Gaia. The laws of Nature may be more like habits. Partly as a result of the ‘hard problem’ of finding space for human consciousness in the materialist worldview, there is a renewed interest in panpsychist philosophies, according to which some form of mind, experience or consciousness is associated with all self-organizing systems, including atoms, molecules and plants. Maybe the sun is conscious, and so are other stars, and entire galaxies. If so, what about the mind of the universe as a whole? Rupert Sheldrake will explore some of the implications of this idea.