Tag: Sri Ramana Maharshi
PAPAJI – Call Off The Search (Full Documentary)
This documentary, shot and produced in Lucknow in 1993, includes interviews with Papaji along with rare footage of Sri Ramana Maharshi. There are also testimonials from some of the many people who have attained freedom through Papaji’s presence and grace. Call off the Search captures Papaji beautifully, as he discusses the nature of enlightenment and the impediments, which seem to obscure it. His message is clear, “We already are That for which we are seeking.” This is the official YouTube channel of H.W.L. Poonja, well known as Papaji, run by the Avadhuta Foundation, a non-profit organization supported by donations and grants. To donate (thank you) to help this channel continue and keep all content accessible for everyone, visit http://avadhuta.com/donate To learn more about Papaji and his teachings, visit http://avadhuta.com To buy physical copies in India of Papaji videos, books and audio CDs, see http://satsangbhavan.net
Andrew Cohen & Tim Freke in Dialogue
Non-Duality- Robert Adams lecture
Letting go of “I, Me, Mine”: Gary Weber
Gary Weber discusses his techniques and perspectives on meditation, presence, and allowing. He talks about his own awakening, the “default mode network”, the collection of “I’s” collapsing into the present moment, persistent Nonduality, psychedelics, the evolution of thinking, and has thinking in the modern-day human outlived its purpose?
Perfect Brilliant Stillness by David Carse (audiobook)
In what the author calls ‘the fine print’ at the start of the book, David Carse wrote: ‘There are many books out there that will help you to live a better life, become a better person, and evolve and grow to realise your potential as a spiritual being. This is not one of them…almost every popular spiritual teacher in America and Europe is teaching that ultimate spiritual enlightenment…can now be yours; and that reading their book or attending their seminar will help you toward that end. This book will tell you that these ideas are absurd, because it’s quite obvious that neither you nor anything else has ever existed….’ He then concludes, ‘That said, enjoy’. We think you probably will.
JNANA AGNI Trailer 2023 Sri Ramana Maharshi. To be released in December 2024
“The only useful purpose of the present birth
is to turn within and realize the Self.”
—Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
THE SAGE OF ARUNACHALA AND THE DIRECT PATH-MAHA YOGA Ramana Maharshi and The Upanishads – lomakayu (audiobook)
PART ONE: MAHA YOGA OR THE UPANISHADIC LORE IN THE LIGHT OF THE TEACHINGS OF BHAGAVAN SRI RAMANA – Audiobook In this book the author (WHO) passes the philosophical portion of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s teaching through the Advaitic acid test, and then declares the teaching to be genuine coin of the Advaitic realm.
Talks on Sri Ramana Maharshi: Narrated by David Godman – Papaji (Parts I+II)
Description from David Godman’s YouTube channel:
While I was sitting in Annamalai Swami’s ashram, talking about various aspects of Bhagavan’s teachings, Henri Jolicoeur, the man who was filming me, asked a question about Papaji and his devotion to Krishna. What followed was an impromptu interview in which I managed to cover most aspects of Papaji’s early life and his association with Ramana Maharshi. The talk was quite a long one, so we have split this particular story into two episodes.