Municipal water, filtered and partially ionized, is alkaline, and rich in electrons and cationic minerals. This drinking water, similar in its physical properties to mountain spring water at the source, has been shown to protect against free radical damage. Studies on the numerous health benefits of ionized water will be summarized. Case studies using live blood analysis show that drinking ionized water reduces blood cell stickiness, cell aggregation, early clotting, and improves the biological terrain of the body. Ionized water can be produced from electric ionizers or by vortexing water over stones of certain mineral compositions. Applications to agriculture will also be discussed.
Tag: talks
What Animals Can Teach Us – From Animal Empath Emelie Cajsdotter & Catherine Edwards
This is a beautiful discussion with Animal Empath Emelie Cajsdotter – whether you have animals directly in your life or not this is a must listen – such beautiful messages are shared.
The Song of the Grass is a collection of Emelie Cajsdotter’s memories of encounters and conversations with various animals, among them the thoroughbred horses of Jordan’s royal stable that are seen as spiritual guides.
Emelie invites us to the farm in person, or by listening this recorded stories, to help us come back to our true self, and coexist, with all individuals and nature in the web of life.
The Living Universe. The New Theory of Origins.
Carl J. Calleman. The Living Universe. The New Theory of Origins.
Buddha At The Gas Pump- Interview with Tony Parsons
Tony Parsons:
All there is is nothing apparently happening.
On the face of it this is a simple but paradoxical proposal. It is also radical in that it recognises that the concept of self is illusory, together with any belief in free will and choice. As there is nothing happening, there would be nothing to seek or to become.
Where to Go: Bayo Akomolafe
Where to go when the highway no longer leads to interesting places?
This talk is about what Bayo calls “ontofugitivity”: how things go astray, and how sedentary modern knowledges and expectations are being upset by the shocking performativity or fluidity of stability.
The talk is about the COVID-19 phenomenon, climate collapse, Yoruba indigenous contributions, the weird and modest politics of making sanctuary in light of the failures of neoliberalism and the dangers of progressivism, and the promise of descent.
The invitation of this talk is the call to go fugitive, to cultivate a federation of fugitive sharings – not as a way to deepen our sense of control, and not with an eye for “alignment”, but because we are exhausted and cannot keep reinforcing the web of relations we succinctly call “the human”.
It’s Alive, But Is It Life: Synthetic Biology and the Future of Creation
For decades, biologists have read and edited DNA, the code of life. Revolutionary developments are giving scientists the power to write it. Instead of tinkering with existing life forms, synthetic biologists may be on the verge of writing the DNA of a living organism from scratch. In the next decade, according to some, we may even see the first synthetic human genome. Join a distinguished group of synthetic biologists, geneticists and bioengineers who are edging closer to breathing life into matter.
The 7 SURPRISING Ways To Heal Trauma WITHOUT MEDICATION | Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk
My guest today is someone who I’ve been wanting to speak to for a very long time. Dr Bessel van der Kolk is a professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and President of the Trauma Research Foundation in Massachusetts.
Return of the Avatars Premiere with Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman
The Return of the Avatars Premiere with Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Anneloes Smitsman took place on March 18, 2022, with special guest contribution by Dr. Ervin Laszlo.
Enjoy an evocative role-play by Jean and Anneloes, based on chapter 5 of “Return of the Avatars: The Cosmic Architect Tools of Our Future Becoming.” The heroine Rose speaks to her grandmother, the magus Verdandi, about a powerful dream she received of an ancient gathering, which leads them to explore the making of past and future covenants and what happens during the change of eras. Discover why the Future Humans community is growing so rapidly and what people from the community are sharing about their experience of working with these books. Meet the real-life version of the story character Olaf, Anneloes’ youngest son Manu, who helped develop the character Olaf in the trilogy and his brilliant game ideas. Olaf and Rose develop the blueprints for a Cosmic Compass Game as a Future Humans Quest, to change how we play the game of life on planet Earth, and for triggering the much needed “upgrades” of the giants of domination.
Practical Tools for Mass Awakening with Gregg Braden! QMTV Ep. 13
Watch Episode 13 of Quantum Minds TV with Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke and distinguished guest, Gregg Braden, to learn more about how being human helps us to access our divinity. Whether we look at spirituality, indigenous traditions, or ‘the simulation’, all of them invite us to discover the best version of ourselves. The best version of ourselves is the full extent of our humanness and our extraordinary potential. We must tap into our fullest human capacity to support mass awakening.
In this episode, we share about accessing optimal coherence, the quantum field, critical mass, and the future of humanity.
The Game Changers: Alchemists in the 21st Century (book):
Robert Monroe. Interview by Guido Ferrari and Julie Mazo, 1992
Robert Monroe was a pioneer of studies on consciousness. The interview is a rare document because he tells his evolution from out-of-body experiences to multidimensional travels.