Emerging technologies have unprecedented potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. Among the most powerful — and controversial — is the gene-editing tech, CRISPR-Cas9, which will improve agricultural yields, cure genetic disorders, and eradicate infectious diseases like malaria. But CRISPR and other disruptive technologies, like brain-machine interfaces and artificial intelligence, also pose complex philosophical and ethical questions. Perhaps no one is better acquainted with these questions than Peter Diamandis, founder of the XPRIZE Foundation and co-founder of Singularity University and Human Longevity Inc. In this session, Peter will give a state of the union on the near future and explore the profound ethical implications we will face in the ongoing technological revolution.
Tag: talks
Decrypting Universal Mysteries & Esoteric Wisdom w/ Robert Edward Grant – Know Thyself Podcast EP 35
Robert Edward Grant dives into the mysteries of life encoded in sacred geometry, The Great Pyramids, and Leonardo Davinci’s work. He explains the purpose of geometry and math in nature, and how we can use it to elevate our own consciousness. He expands upon the mysteries of the Great Pyramids, his experience of them, and how he believes they act as an ascension vehicle to elevate humanity into the New Earth. Robert also dives deep into the heart brain connection, becoming aware of the Divine Lila, merging with The One, and so much more.
Tom Campbell Explains the Mandela Effect, Virtual Reality and the Nature of Consciousness
Tom Campbell is a physicist who began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s. These early, drug-free, consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study all at the same time. He has been a serious explorer of the frontiers of reality, mind, consciousness, and psychic phenomena for the last forty years and continuing. In 2003, he published the My Big TOE trilogy which represents the results and conclusions of his scientific exploration of the nature of existence. The MBT reality model explains metaphysics, spirituality, love, and human purpose at the most fundamental level, provides a complete theory of consciousness and solves the outstanding fundamental physics problems of our time, deriving both relativity theory and quantum mechanics from first principles – something traditional physics cannot yet do.
#PouredOver: Ed Yong on AN IMMENSE WORLD
AN IMMENSE WORLD is the delightful new book from The Atlantic staff writer Ed Yong, and he joins us on the show to talk about meeting animals on their own terms, the connection between Jane Austen and mice, peacocks and The Bee Gees; how hearing is also a kind of touch and how deer-like creatures transformed into whales; his pandemic puppy and his literary inspirations (including Mary Roach) and much more, with Poured Over’s host, Miwa Messer. And we end this episode with TBR Topoff book recommendations from Marc and Becky.
The Neuroscience of Consciousness – with Anil Seth
Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Anil Seth looks at the neuroscience of consciousness and how our biology gives rise to the unique experience of being you.
Anil provides an insight into the state-of-the-art research in the new science of consciousness. Distinguishing between conscious level, conscious content and conscious self, he describes how new experiments are shedding light on the underlying neural mechanisms in normal life as well as in neurological and psychiatric conditions.
A Conscious Universe? – Dr Rupert Sheldrake
The sciences are pointing toward a new sense of a living world. The cosmos is like a developing organism, and so is our planet, Gaia. The laws of Nature may be more like habits. Partly as a result of the ‘hard problem’ of finding space for human consciousness in the materialist worldview, there is a renewed interest in panpsychist philosophies, according to which some form of mind, experience or consciousness is associated with all self-organizing systems, including atoms, molecules and plants. Maybe the sun is conscious, and so are other stars, and entire galaxies. If so, what about the mind of the universe as a whole? Rupert Sheldrake will explore some of the implications of this idea.
Bernardo Kastrup | Allowing Nature To Work Through You
Bernardo Kastrup is the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental (Bernardokastrup.com) This interview was recorded in May 2022.