Tag: talks
The Truth on Why We Fail in Life & How to Fix It! | Yogi Anand Mehrotra
Yogi Anand Mehrotra is a spiritual master who was born and brought up in Rishikesh on the banks of the Ganga. He grew up on the lap of his Master. Surrounded by very loving people, he grew up in a very yogic family with their personal sadhana, a great family steeped in the tradition. From a very young age, he was exposed to profound teachings of the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition and began practicing. He was identified as a prodigy. He respected and was engaged by the elders of the tradition.
He has been an exceptionally brilliant student throughout his life. While engrossed in studies, he always had an intense thirst for knowledge. He spent years studying and practicing. He was very involved with a genuine interest. At a young age, he had profound inner experiences and inner cognition accompanied by deep, authentic teachings. He grew up with his Master and, through him, had the privilege of spending time in the high Himalayas journeying to the Himalayas.
Anand started teaching this profound knowledge consistently at the age of 21 and has been teaching ever since. He has traveled extensively around the globe, and his teachings have impacted many people. His students include people of all ages, and all nationalities, including leaders and celebrities, actors, creatives, lawyers, successful entrepreneurs, and young students − a vast range of people from North America, South America, Europe, China, Australia, and many more countries.
There have been documentaries made of him, and he has taken part in other documentaries. He has led people on transformative journeys in the Himalayas, as portrayed in some of those documentaries. He has been featured in international publications and magazines. As a conscious Jyotish Master, Anand consults and shares his incredible insights and wisdom with many all over the planet.
Anand has dedicated his life to honoring the pure knowledge of the integrated practices of the original teachings and wisdom of the Himalayas and to protecting the integrity of the powerful techniques contained in these ancient practices. He has developed Sattva Retreat, Sattva Yoga, Sattva Yoga Academy, Sattva Connect, an online platform, and Sattva Summit.
When Anand was still in his teens, he founded the Khushi Charitable Society and the Sattva Foundation, organizations that still offer support to the local communities, supplying food to those in need and medicines and medical equipment to hospitals and clinics.
He continues to be an active philanthropist, always excited about creating employment opportunities for people so that they can become economically independent; he is very passionate about conscious farming, organic practices and nourishing nature, so he founded Sattva Organic Farms.
Anand Mehrotra is an enthusiastic, conscious entrepreneur. He eagerly conceives of new enterprises and then quickly manifests them. He has designed buildings and sacred spaces. He created Yogini Ayurveda and The Sattva Collection, which both support artisans in India. He established Sattva Publications and has written and published three books.
He is a phenomenally creative being who started Sattva Music and has recorded and released sacred music through that company. Anand’s current projects are many, including the development of Sattva Jyotish Gems, Rasa Resorts, and other retreat places. The new Sattva n Co Organics will be launched soon with the release of its first product, its own brand of Kombucha.
Unified Consciousness v1.1
BACKGROUND … This session provides a simple practice for aligning with SOURCE and unifying conscious intention with others supporting the TRANSDIMENSIONAL TRANSITION IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS playing out in our world right now. Aligning with Source and connecting with each other through our hearts often produces a magical experience. That experience is actually information. It tells us that those heart connections are made energetically and inter-dimensionally … beyond the physical. SOURCE is totally outside time and space, and we are FRACTALS of SOURCE ~ SOURCE IN ACTION. So this process of aligning with SOURCE and connecting through our hearts is energetically beyond time and space. It means we can collapse time and space through conscious application of our intention. Even if we’re not very good at feeling our connection, our love, our compassion, our gratitude and all the high-frequency qualities we know about the energy of them is invoked if we just INTEND that they’re present within us. It’s therefore possible to contribute to dimensional shift individually, or with a small group, through our intention. And it’s not necessary for everyone to do it at the same time, because we operate outside time. The multi-dimensional aspects of our being exist … in the eternal now. We can therefore sit in our own sacred presence and align with SOURCE … through our INTENTION. We can then also intend to connect with the heart chakra of everyone else in the world who chooses to engage with this same intention. This unites us multi-dimensionally in a way that’s beyond the interference of service-to-self forces. Because everything is co-ordinated from SOURCE with absolute integrity, any personal motivation that’s out of integrity is automatically self-isolated. What we effectively co-create in this process is a huge portal for the Light of Source to flood through and support the creation of a new reality. That portal is strengthened every time we IMAGINE it and INTEND to contribute to it. None of us knows what the new reality looks like, but our intention will generate the optimal reality though our collective vibrational alignment with Source. It’s not necessary to try to hold onto any image or feeling. We just do it for a few minutes [or seconds] when we can. And repeat when we can. Neither is there a need for a co-ordinated mass-meditation that can be hijacked and sabotaged. This way we operate collectively in our personal sovereignty and leadership … beyond space and time without being dependent on each other. The Universe co-ordinates our intention in an optimally coherent way. No one of us is able to seize control.
Sit with an open, meditative, posture …BETTER NOT TO LIE DOWN FOR THIS … … The words I use are linguistically “tight” to maintain the integrity of the intention … SAY THEM ALOUD … NOW:~ I (… NAME …) commit to All That I Am to be All That I Am … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … … I choose to be present … in my… Multi-Dimensional Beingness … aligned with the LIGHT OF ORIGINAL SOURCE … the Source of All Being … … even though this may be beyond my ability to be fully conscious of at this time … … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … I choose to allow my heart to open for multi-dimensional and inter-dimensional collaboration with the aligned Divine I Am Intelligence of all human beings holding a coherent intent that is in harmony with my own … … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … I invite this collaboration through our individual heart centres and via our common connection with SOURCE beyond the confines of space-time … … So that a UNIFIED INTER-DIMENSIONAL PORTAL OF LOVE is established for the DIVINE LIGHT OF SOURCE … to FLOOD INTO THE EXISTENTIAL CONSCIOUSNESS TEMPLATES OF ALL HUMANKIND INHABITING THIS PLANET that we call EARTH / GAIA / TERRA … … By my affirmed intent … I direct the Aligned Divine Intelligence of the RAINBOW RAY of Frequency Optimisation for Harmonised Individuation within UNITY to support and facilitate this process … under UNIVERSAL LAW … … I confirm my commitment to this initiative as a service to all humankind supporting the TRANS-DIMENSIONAL TRANSITION IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS and the manifestation of a balanced, harmonious, optimal, existential paradigm for humankind to inhabit on this planet we call EARTH / GAIA / TERRA … … By my affirmed intent … and FREE WILL … I confirm that my personal agendas are fully surrendered so that the optimum reality is manifest through collective alignment with SOURCE … … SO MOTE IT BE
Are memories stored in brains? -Rupert Sheldrake & Alex Gómez-Marín
After more than a hundred hours of private conversations on Zoom, Rupert and physicist turned neuroscientist Alex Gómez-Marín meet in person to discuss some of their favourite themes.
In this installment, they address the problem of memory localization.
Rather than taking for granted that memories are “stored” inside our heads and rushing to speculate about where and how, they instead entertain the idea that memories could be both everywhere and nowhere in particular — memories are in time, not in space.
To make such thoughts more thinkable, they discuss the recurrent historical failures to find actual memory traces in brains and bring forth some of the pioneering ideas of the French philosopher Henri Bergson in the context of current neuroscience.
They also discuss concrete experiments to test such hypotheses and reflect more widely on the nature of form and the idea that the laws of nature may be more like habits than eternal edicts. They end by discussing the need for scientific pluralism.
Enlightenment for Lazy People, Paul Smit
The wind is blowing, the grass is growing, the water is floating, the bird is flying and you are reading this text. It’s all just happening and no one is doing it. Isn’t that great?
Robert Lanza: Rethinking Our Insanely Improbable Universe
Speaking with the authority of a distinguished scientific career, Robert Lanza presents the case for abandoning the “dumb universe” paradigm and going beyond the illusion of our individual separatism. In a presentation that inspires optimism for the dawn of a new age of science, he explains the impossibility of a universe created from randomness alone, and describes how this idea has led to our alienation from nature. “Life and awareness are indispensable cosmic attributes,” he says. With a biocentric worldview, science makes sense.
Reincarnation is REAL…Dorothy Eady, the Woman Who Spent 3000 Years in the Egyptian Underworld
Is it possible that someone who lived in Egypt over 3000 years ago could suddenly reappear in early 20th century London in a different body? Well, according to Dorothy Eady, otherwise known as Omm Sety, that’s exactly what happened. This woman was respected by Egyptologists around the world for her uncanny insights into ancient Egyptian life. She claimed until the end of her days that this knowledge came from her previous life as an ancient Egyptian priestess.
Katharina Spurling Discusses Light-Life Technology and Slim Spurling
Katharina is the wife of the late Slim Spurling: master dowser, energy tool pioneer, and founder of Light-Life Technology. She is continuing his legacy of harmonizing the world, one community at a time.
Katharina shares with us insights into Slim and his work, explaining the Light-Life tools and how they can be used for personal and environmental health.
Light-Life energy tools are based on Sacred Cubit geometry and Tensor Technology. Not only do they benefit health and well-being, but they can protect against EMF, have been shown to clear inside and outside pollution, and even shift weather patterns to protect against extreme weather, like hurricanes and tornadoes.
To learn more about the Spurlings and Light-Life Technology, visit https://lightlifetechnology.com/ or https://slimspurling.com/. You can also read more about Slim’s life and work in “Slim Spurling’s Universe: Ancient Knowledge Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind” by Cal Garrison.
Sedona – The Psychic Vortex Experience By Dick Sutphen
Finding Your Seat: A Meditation Posture Workshop with Will Johnson
On the most basic level, seated meditation practice is the act of just sitting. How we sit, therefore, is vitally important to the quality of our practice.
If you haven’t given much thought to the way you’re sitting—or if you’ve been experiencing pain or physical discomfort in your practice—then it’s time to take a closer look at your posture.
Join us to discover the principles of meditation posture in this hour-long virtual workshop with Will Johnson, meditation teacher and author of The Posture of Meditation. In the workshop, Johnson will lead a demonstration and share his methods for awakening the body to sit with ease, comfort, and mindfulness. As you’ll discover, learning to sit is about more than comfort and alignment—it’s also about how to use the sitting posture as a vehicle for deep meditation and deep letting go.