Scientist Gregg Braden is back on Know Thyself today for a deeper dive into the inherent beauty of humanity and the technology that threatens it. Pulling on the threads of our last conversations, Gregg opens up about the current state of the world: from transhumanism to artificial intelligence, giving a warning message about these innovations. He provides a reframe on what we’ve been told about human potential: revealing that we are far greater than we know and these technologies threaten that very greatness. Our discussion encompasses a range of critical topics, including the ongoing struggle between good and evil on Earth, the pivotal Year 2030, and the Future of Humanity. Furthermore, Gregg draws intriguing parallels to popular culture, exploring how films like “The Matrix” serve as allegories for deeper truths about our reality, prompting us to question the nature of existence itself.
Tag: trans-humanism
Mo Gawdat on AI: The Future of AI and How It Will Shape Our World
🤖 AI is here, and it’s evolving faster than we ever imagined. How do we adapt when the rules of the game are shifting under our feet? Is the future one of abundance, or are we heading toward disaster? 🌍 Are we missing the warning signs again? The world is changing fast, faster than we can keep up. From the pandemic to AI advancements, it feels like we’re all being caught off guard. But are we paying attention? 🚀 We’re standing on the brink of something massive. Will we rise to the occasion and adapt, or will the future slip through our fingers? Speech from the TCC Loyalty Forum, May 2024.
Will AI produce a state of deep utopia? (w/ Nick Bostrom, Future of Humanity Institute)
In his new book “Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World,” philosopher Nick Bostrom ponders what life could be like in a “solved world” – a world where everything works and works better than if human hands got in the way. “What then?” asks Bostrom, is the reason to work? “Is it to earn extra income or because working is an intrinsically valued activity?” Bostrom is the head of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford and a philosopher with a background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic, and artificial intelligence. He has been called the “Superintelligent Swede” because of the deep philosophical work he undertakes as he examines the trajectory of human life at the intersection of destruction and possibility. Bostrom says, “If artificial intelligence can be achieved, it would be an event of unparalleled consequence – perhaps even a rupture to the fabric of history” – a rupture, Bostrom says, “will change the course of human history but is it the end of human history?” We invited Nick Bostrom to join us for a Conversation That Matters about our flirtatious and tempestuous relationship with the evolution of intelligence.
Designing for the Intelligence of the Heart | Nipun Mehta | IDG Summit 2023
Join Nipun Mehta on day 1 of the IDG Summit 2023 as he discusses the importance of designing for ‘heart intelligence’ in a world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence (AI). Nipun illuminates the importance of differentiating between content and context, why we should design for AI (renamed artificial intimacy) and how his initiative ServiceSpace has turned the impact model on its head by starting with inner development. About Nipun Mehta Nipun Mehta is the founder of #ServiceSpace, an incubator of projects that work at the intersection of #volunteerism, #technology, and the gift economy – inspiring people to be the change they wish to see. What started as an experiment with four friends in #siliconvalley grew to a global ecosystem of over 400,000 members that has delivered millions of dollars in service for free. Much of his work explores how we can help more people to embrace #giving and #gratitude. Mehta has received many awards, including the Jefferson Award for Public Service, the President’s Volunteer Service Award, and Wavy Gravy’s Humanitarian Award. He serves on the advisory boards of the Seva Foundation, the #dalailama Foundation, and the Greater Good Science Center. About Inner Development Goals In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) provided a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. However, progress is not happening fast enough, and we urgently need to increase our collective abilities to face and work effectively with complex challenges. This is why we are co-creating the Inner Development Goals (#IDG) – a non-profit, open-source initiative committed to fostering inner development towards more sustainable futures. We research, collect, and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives. Follow our journey from inner growth to outer change:
Living Forever Through AI: Digital Immortality and the Future of Death | ENDEVR Documentary
If you were able to create an immortal version of yourself, would you? Until this decade, that question was the stuff of science fiction, but now experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics suggest it will indeed be possible.
This cinematic documentary explores the latest technological advancements in AI, robotics, and biotech, and poses the question: what is the essence of the human mind, and can this be replicated? Or even more unsettling, could we one day meet cloned versions of ourselves – clones that are better, smarter, and immortal?
This film explores these questions with visionaries including Nick Bostrom, author of Superintelligence, Hiroshi Ishiguro, developer of his own uncannily realistic clone Geminoid; Douglas Rushkoff, author of Team Human; Ben Goertzel, founder of who coined the term Artificial General Intelligence; and Deepak Chopra, who is creating his own A.I. mind twin. These visionaries see humanity advancing toward a new age of post-biological life, a world of intelligence without bodies, immortal identity without the limitations of disease, death, and unfulfilled desire. As scientists at the forefront of technology show that a world where humans and machines merge isn’t so far away, we have to ask ourselves will AI be the best or the last thing we ever do?
Max Tegmark – Transhuman Brains?
Transhuman brains are the melding of hyper-advanced electronics and super-artificial intelligence (AI) with neurobiological tissue. The goal is not only to repair injury and mitigate disease, but also to enhance brain capacity and boost mental function. What is the big vision, the end goal — how far can transhuman brains go? What does it mean for individual consciousness and personal identity? Is virtual immortality possible? What are the ethics, the morality, of transhuman brains? What are the dangers?