The making of Epiphytes | Tully Arnot and Monica Gagliano

Artist Tully Arnot’s latest work, EPIPHYTES, is a multi-sensory virtual reality experience exploring plant communication, posthumanism and alternate forms of perception. To create EPIPHYTES, Arnot partnered with evolutionary biologist Monica Gagliano, who pioneered the brand-new research field of plant bioacoustics, for the first time experimentally demonstrating that plants emit their own ‘voices’ and detect and respond to the sounds of their environments. Her work has extended the concept of cognition (including perception, learning processes, memory) in plants. The pair spoke about Arnot’s practice and why he chose VR as a medium to express his ideas, and discussed the importance of slowing down, ‘listening’ to, and looking more closely at the communication lines and biological relationships that exist in the plant kingdom as a means of altering the way we perceive our world.

What can Lucid Dreaming tell us about consciousness?

Maurizio Benazzo(SAND co-founder) in conversation with Stephen LaBerge. Stephen LaBerge is the first scientist to empirically prove the existence of lucid dreaming. His work has developed this technique into a powerful tool for studying mind-body relationships in the dream state, and he has demonstrated the potential for lucid dreaming in the fields of psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine. His books Lucid Dreaming, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, and Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain, have received enormous popular interest. He is the founder of The Lucidity Institute an organization that promotes research into lucid dreaming, and offers courses on how to achieve a lucid dream.

Living in the Future’s Past | AWARD WINNING DOC | Jeff Bridges | Environment

Living in the Future’s Past – This film upends our way of thinking and provides original insights into our subconscious motivations, the unintended consequences, and how our fundamental nature influences our future as mankind.

Whitley Strieber Unveils Life-Changing Secrets Given to Him by a Mysterious Being!

I had the honor of speaking to renowned and New York Times best-selling author Whitley Strieber. He began his writing career with a pair of modern-Gothic horror novels, The Wolfen (1981) and The Hunger (1983), which was turned into a feature film by the late great filmmaker Tony Scott.

He is perhaps best known for the third phase of his career, which began with Communion (1989), an autobiographical account of his experiences with strange alien “visitors” who he says came to his cabin in the New York countryside. This #1 New York Times Non-Fiction Bestseller (on the list for 15 weeks) was also turned into a film starring Christopher Walken.

Whitley has written several other thrillers, and two novels about environmental apocalypse, Nature’s End and The Coming Global Superstorm. Superstorm served as an inspiration for Fox’s The Day After Tomorrow (2004), and Strieber later penned the novelization of that film.

“Hate is like coal, it burns out. Love is like heat, it doesn’t.” – The Master of the Key

In this episode, we will be discussing one of Whitley’s most profound books, The Key: A True Encounter.

At two-thirty in the morning of June 6, 1998, Whitley Streiber was awakened by somebody knocking on his hotel room door. A man came in, and everything he said was life-altering.

This is the unsettling and ultimately enlightening narrative of what happened that night. Strieber was never really sure who this strange and knowing visitor was–a “Master of Wisdom”? A figure from a different realm of consciousness? A preternaturally intelligent being? He called him the Master of the Key. The one thing of which Strieber was certain is that both the man and the encounter were real.

The main concern of the Master of the Key is to save each of us from self-imprisonment. “Mankind is trapped,” the stranger tells Strieber. “I want to help you spring the trap.” In a sweeping exchange between Strieber and the stranger–which takes the form of a classical student- teacher dialogue in pursuit of inner understanding–the unknown man presents a lesson in human potential, esoteric psychology, and man’s fate. He illuminates why man has been caught in a cycle of repeat violence and self-destruction–and the slender, but very real, possibility for release.

In its breadth and intimacy, The Key is on par with contemporary metaphysical traditions, such as A Course in Miracles, or even with the dialogues of modern wisdom teachers, such as D.T. Suzuki and Carl Jung.

It was a pleasure speaking to Whitley. Enjoy!

Who’s Driving the Dreambus? (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

This radical and challenging documentary ventures into the heart of the mystery of identity, flipping the idea of spiritual endeavour on its head, revealing a message so profound and yet so simple that it might just end the search.

Quantum Reality, God & Why The Universe Isn’t Real with Caroline Cory | NLS Podcast

Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, author, and the founder of the Omnium Method of Energy Medicine and Consciousness Studies. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous E.S.P (extra-sensory) and “paranormal” experiences, which led her to become deeply connected to spirituality, the study of consciousness, existential topics and the mechanics of the universe.

After teaching Energy Medicine and Consciousness Studies for over a decade, Cory founded Omnium Media, an entertainment and media platform that tackles thought-provoking topics on the human condition and the nature of reality. In addition to writing and producing, Cory continues to lecture and coach internationally on various mind-over-matter subjects and appears regularly as a guest expert on supernatural phenomena at major conferences and television shows, including such popular series as The UnXplained with William Shatner and History Channel’s Ancient Aliens. Her films include, AMONG US, SUPERHUMAN: THE INVISIBLE MADE VISIBLE, and A TEAR IN THE SKY.

Rude Awakening Documentary – Full Free Version

Rude Awakening is a documentary about self discovery. It combines personal interviews with fictional cinematic elements to create a beautiful immersive experience for its viewers. This is a story about the hardships of embarking on the journey within. A road filled with trials and tribulations, from awakening to the dark night of the human, to finally emerging into true freedom. Follow Jonathan as he embarks on an epic and once in a lifetime adventure back to his true self, meeting and interviewing kindred spirits along the way. As he travels around the world, he interviews six dear friends and random strangers on the street to discover the red thread connecting all our journeys: The passionate and longing desire to find answers to the questions: “Why am I here?” and “What’s life all about?” If this story resonates with you, just know that you are not crazy and certainly not alone!