Letting go of “I, Me, Mine”: Gary Weber

Gary Weber discusses his techniques and perspectives on meditation, presence, and allowing. He talks about his own awakening, the “default mode network”, the collection of “I’s” collapsing into the present moment, persistent Nonduality, psychedelics, the evolution of thinking, and has thinking in the modern-day human outlived its purpose?

Source: https://www.scienceandnonduality.com/

Integrating Self-Realization: A.H. Almaas

A.H. Almaas discusses neuroscience and the self, continuity of consciousness, the construction of the self, self-identity, and the suffering that can arise. A. H. Almaas is the pen name of A. Hameed Ali, founder of the Diamond Approach to Self-Realization, a contemporary teaching that developed within the context of both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychology theories. Almaas has authored eighteen books about spiritual realization, including the Diamond Heart series, The Pearl Beyond Price, The Void, and The Alchemy of Freedom. He is the founder of the Ridhwan School for Spiritual Development, an inner work school devoted to the realization of True Nature. The orientation of the school is directed toward guiding students to realize their true nature to the fullest realization and further still to endless enlightenment.


A New World at the Speed of Love with Gregg Braden

From climate change to social change, from increasing levels of human conflict to collapsing national economies, it’s heartening to know that we already have the technological solutions to the greatest challenges of our lives today. When we realize the truth of this statement, the question we ask is universal: Where are these solutions today? The answer to this question highlights the greatest challenge we face as individuals, communities and as a society — Do we love ourselves enough to shift the thinking that makes room in our lives for what we know is possible in our heart? In this module, Gregg will explore the new world that is emerging in our lifetime, how the thinking of the past is the greatest obstacle to ending the suffering in our lives, and the hidden truths that allow you deep resilience as you navigate the fear and uncertainty of our emerging world.

From Separation to Oneness: Vandana Shiva

From Separation to Oneness, from Monoculture to Diversity.

After a PhD thesis on non separability and non locality in Quantum theory, Dr Vandana Shiva studied non separation between forests, soil and water, the Green revolution in Punjab and the relationship between violence against nature by chemical agriculture and emergence of violence in society. Since then, she has kept working on the link between seeds, plants, soil, climate, and biodiversity.

Perfect Brilliant Stillness by David Carse (audiobook)


In what the author calls ‘the fine print’ at the start of the book, David Carse wrote: ‘There are many books out there that will help you to live a better life, become a better person, and evolve and grow to realise your potential as a spiritual being. This is not one of them…almost every popular spiritual teacher in America and Europe is teaching that ultimate spiritual enlightenment…can now be yours; and that reading their book or attending their seminar will help you toward that end. This book will tell you that these ideas are absurd, because it’s quite obvious that neither you nor anything else has ever existed….’ He then concludes, ‘That said, enjoy’. We think you probably will.

Tibetan Tradition of Mind Training | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film

Synopsis: In this introduction to the mind training (lojong) tradition, Geshe Dawa explains the history and practice of mental transformation. Coming from early Indian Buddhist masters, this important, practical tradition became central to all the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The most sophisticated and rigorous system of positive psychology ever devised, the mind training teachings uphold phenomenological existence while denying any underlying essence, thereby providing a powerful tool for both simple and profound change.

The talk marks the opening of “Bridging Worlds: Buddhist Words and Works,” an exhibition in honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 2007 visit.

Source: Tibetan Tradition of Mind Training | Watch Documentaries Online | Promote Documentary Film

Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness Panel

Monica Gagliano has single-handedly pioneered the revolutionary new field of Plant Bioacoustics, which is providing the most powerful evidence to date that plants possess forms of cognition that could constitute “personhood.” Michael Pollan, who has studied the human-plant relationship in such classic bestselling works as The Botany of Desire, has now turned his attention in his new book How To Change Your Mind to what cutting-edge research on psychedelic substances (which are nearly all derived from or modeled on plant molecules) is revealing about human consciousness. These two brilliant visionaries engaged in conversation hosted by J.P. Harpignies, Bioneers Senior Producer.

Plant Communication with Pam Montgomery

Plants and trees give us our very life. Without them, we wouldn’t have our breath, tissue, food, cognitive abilities of “higher mind,” emotional stability, and spiritual guidance.

Because of our close symbiotic relationship, we share a common ground with the plants that surround us. Our life-giving connection with the green beings is inherent in our humanness and our birthright is to be intimately related.

Communicating effectively is one of the foundations in a relationship that builds to a co-creative partnership. We all know how to communicate with plants… this innate knowledge lives within us, but has been forgotten due to the chaotic nature of our day to day lives.